Camera Captures Cats In Their Most Hilariously Malfunctioning Moments

There’s so much we don’t know about cats, and probably never will. But, there’s one thing we all know. They can be hilarious, cute, smart, weird, and dumb at the same time.
The only important thing is that we can’t get enough of cats, and it’s never boring with them, as they never fail to make us laugh.
There’s even a group on Reddit dedicated to our hilarious cats, called “What’s Wrong With Your Cat?” The group has over 200,000 members who post pictures of their cats in the most bizarre and hilarious situations.
So, here’s another laughing session for you. Check out these 40+ hilarious photos of malfunctioning cats and let me know what you think about them!
1. This cat is about to speak Italian!

2. Bikini cat stopped working…

3. Is It even alive?

4. What a weird bat…

5. Kung-fu meowster

SEE ALSO: A Japanese Photographer Takes Photos Of Cats As If They Were Ninjas And It’s Awesome
6. Cats in the middle of the night, be like…

7. Fell asleep like this…

8. This kitty is literally chilling.

9. A purrfect hiding spot

10. Saddie is having a nice stretch in the sun…

11. He got stuck and is not happy about it.

12. I don’t know how is he comfortable like this.

13. Just as the prophecy foretold

14. Chilling…

15. She finally caught her tail.

16. She sleeps as though she has bills to pay

17. You can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself.

18. This cat is sleeping with her eyes wide open, and it’s not creepy at all…

19. Cheers!

20. Trying out the new pose…

21. What kind of liquid is this?

22. Another comfy spot

23. Which cat is made of snow?

24. I’m not sure what happened here…

25. Napping in the middle of the yoga session.

26. Just wanted some treats.

27. Not thirsty at all…

28. Catflix and wine

29. He looks concerned…

30. “Every time I try to fold my kitchen towels, my cat does this”

31. “She yells until I let her join me in the bathtub”

32. Weird cat, weird sitting position.

33. “This is my cat on the TV”

34. Cat zoomies

SEE ALSO: What Are Cat Zoomies And Why Do Cats Get The Zoomies?
35. “He carries his ball into the tub, knocks it around for hours, and then passes out”

36. It’s official – cats are liquid.

37. Looks like it’s fighting for its life.

38. When you’re sick of your cat following you to the bathroom, but it makes this look.

39. Find the cat!

40. Guardians of the bed

41. Trying to bathe your cat be like…

42. No description needed…

43. “He sits like this a lot…”

44. “ I’m trying to do my homework, and then…”

45. I don’t think these kitties like each other…

I hope you enjoyed these pictures just like I did, and that you had a good laugh. If you’d like to see more hilarious cat photos, make sure you check out the following:
• 40 Naughtiest Cats Confessing Their Hilarious Crimes
• 23 Cats Falling Asleep In Weird Places Proving Sleep Comes First