Kitten Brings Foster Parents To Tears After Being Adopted Into His Forever Home In Washington

kitten brings foster parents to tears

The world can feel really scary for a tiny kitten, especially when it’s all by itself. That’s how Mica, a little fluffball just two days old, ended up in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 

With his eyes tightly shut and smaller than a teacup, Mica was in desperate need of a hero. Luckily, that’s when Abdul Williams and his wife Shamiyan stepped in. They are experienced foster parents with huge hearts and a love for cats.

Now, being a foster parent is not an easy job. Forget about getting a full night’s sleep; taking care of a newborn kitten means being awake all the time. 

The foster parent is feeding the little kitten.
Credit: Instagram

But for Abdul, who likes to call himself a “kitten whisperer,” those sleepless nights were worth it. His favorite part is “seeing how much fun the kittens have during playtime.” But for Mica, playtime would have to wait because he was focused on just surviving.

Abdul posted a picture of Mica when he first arrived – a skinny, confused little furball with eyes that hadn’t seen anything yet. As he shared:

“Mica is the youngest foster ever to join us! He’s also the most vulnerable. Being so young, without a mom, and a single kitten, is a tough way to start, but he’s a fighter. Just wanted to bring back up how important it is to spay and neuter your pets. Mica was lucky he was found so quickly; neonatal kittens can’t survive without their moms. And a special shout out to those of you doing TNR work. It’s such a critical part of the animal rescue system!”

The foster parent is bottle-feeding a little kitten
Credit: Instagram

Fortunately, Mica was a little fighter and quickly learned to drink from the bottle. Abdul would soon find out that this was just the start of Mica’s “special bond with food.”

Two weeks zoomed by with lots of bottle-feeding, Mica gaining weight, and the cutest little meows as he became more curious about the world.

Then came graduation day – the moment to say goodbye to the bottle and hello to wet food. Mica, always excited about eating, jumped right into this new adventure. It was like he had never seen food before! 

A little kitten lies on the carpet while its owner pet it
Credit: Instagram

A video of Abdul gently waking up a sleepy Mica for a meal immediately went viral, and that’s how every mealtime turned into a funny show, with Mica fully focused on his food.

However, being a single kitten can be lonely, and Abdul realized Mica needed a buddy. That’s when Jack, another foster kitten, came into the picture to join Mica’s life. 

At first, they were a bit unsure of each other, but soon they became best friends. Bath time turned into a spa day for the adorable pair, with Abdul and Shamiyan wrapping them in a cozy blanket – a double purrito of cuteness.

two kittens wrapped in a blanket
Credit: Instagram

Their resident cat, Queen Bambi, a “foster fail” (a kitten they just couldn’t give up), also joined in on the fun, keeping a watchful eye on the playful duo. 

Mica kept everyone entertained with his silly antics, and his “happy paws” were a never-ending source of laughter.

The following months brought many bittersweet moments: getting vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and realizing it was time for Mica and Jack to find their forever homes. 

white and gray kitten in a man's hands
Credit: Instagram

Saying goodbye is always tough, but for Abdul and Shamiyan, it meant they could welcome new foster babies who needed love and care.

Mica, the little kitten who came in with just a strong will, had turned into a playful, food-loving ball of fur. The best part? Mica and Jack found their forever home together! There were definitely tears – happy tears for Mica and Jack, and maybe a few from Abdul and Shamiyan who would miss their furry pals. But those tears quickly turned into smiles, knowing they helped give these sweet kittens a happy ending.

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