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Determined Kitten Follows A Strange Man And His Basset Hound All The Way Home

Determined Kitten Follows A Strange Man And His Basset Hound All The Way Home

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Life writes beautiful stories even when not everything goes according to your plans. Take this couple for example.

Leslie and Jon Nienaber are a compassionate couple from Cleveland, Ohio, who have a beloved Basset Hound and three cats as part of their family. But, when a tiny furball crossed their paths, they truly didn’t know what to do.

ginger kitten and dog
Source: Leslie Nienaber

One ordinary day, during a routine walk with their Basset, Jon encountered a surprise. 

They met a tiny orange-and-white kitten, who was extremely friendly, rubbing against them and following their every step. Jon’s heart melted as he watched his dog gently play with the young kitten.

woman holding a ginger kitten
Source: Leslie Nienaber

But what happened when Jon decided to go home took everyone by surprise. The tiny kitten refused to leave them. Instead, he followed them all the way home. 

The kitten kept running after Jon and the dog, trying to keep up with them with his tiny, weak legs. 

adorable ginger kitten
Source: Leslie Nienaber

When they arrived home, Jon and Leslie fed the kitten, but they weren’t sure what to do next. With a full house of pets already, they couldn’t keep him, but returning him to the street wasn’t an option either, as his chances of survival were slim.

So, Jon and Leslie decided to do the right thing – find him a forever home. Fortunately, that didn’t take long, as Leslie’s sister instantly offered to adopt the kitten.

funny kitten in box
Source: Leslie Nienaber

She affectionately named the kitten Pinot and welcomed him into her home with open arms. Though Pinot was so small he could fit in one hand, his endearing personality made it easy for everyone to fall in love with him.

In the end, everything turned out better than expected, and now little Pinot is living a happy and healthy life, all because he was determined to follow the right humans home.

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