Kitten Trio Struggles To Survive In A California Shelter Ends Up In Loving Foster Home

Grace Choi, founder of The Happy Kitty Rescue, is a true foster and rescue hero from Los Angeles, California. She has saved numerous cats and kittens from harsh life on the street.
One day, a local shelter informed her about a 2-week-old kitten trio in desperate need of a loving foster home.
Without hesitation, Grace rushed to pick these tiny fuzzballs up. The two calico sisters and their adorable tuxedo brother were covered in their feces and barely moving. As Grace mentioned in her Instagram post:
“They had been in that cage for over a week and were clearly declining in a shelter environment. They were covered/caked in their own feces, lethargic, and depressed…”

Sometimes, shelter volunteers are overwhelmed and can’t provide non-stop attention to such kittens. These tiny fuzzballs needed constant care and monitoring to thrive.
Grace brought them home and was ready to fight for them. She proceeded to examine them once more and she figured out something truly shocking!

The kitten trio was much older than the shelter workers anticipated. As Grace said in a post:
“The shelter paper work noted that they are between 2-3 weeks old. However, once I got home and examined them, their premolars had already emerged… meaning they are at least 5 weeks old. I was absolutely shocked because they are so tiny!!”
The kittens weighed as much as a healthy 2-week-old kitten should weigh, which was concerning to Grace. The poor babies had extreme tummy issues and constant diarrhea which made it hard for them to gain any weight.

However, the first thing on the schedule was a proper and long overdue bath, since the siblings were covered in their feces. Once squeaky and clean, Grace decided a vet visit was more than necessary.
Naturally, she wanted to rule out any serious health issues that were perhaps causing their tummy problems. Luckily, all the tests came back negative and the trio was sent home with a bunch of probiotics.
Grace adorably named them Matcha, Boba, and Strawberry, and the trio was indeed as sweet as milk tea!

Although she was carefully administering their medication and probiotics, their diarrhea was still an issue, as she updated in a post:
“Their diarrhea isn’t improving as fast as I would hope, but their energy levels are improving each day!”
Grace was super happy to see their energy levels rise, as it should be with healthy kittens. Slowly, their tummy issues were gone and they became healthy, happy kittens.
The milk tea trio started to show their personalities, each special in their own way.
Boba, one of the calico kittens, was shy and quiet, while her sister Strawberry was feisty, always picking fights with her siblings.

Matcha, however, was talkative and constantly meowing at Grace asking for well-deserved cuddles. He adorably bonded with one of Graces’ foster kittens Pumpkin. The two of them were inseparable, and guess what?
Pumpkin and Matcha went together to their forever home! Their new forever mom decided to take both of them, providing them with a loving home.
Boba and Strawberry, on the other hand, were each other’s soulmates. They spent their days napping and playing together, which made Grace realize their bond was quite special. She posted an update on these two, saying:
“We would love to find a home for them together, as they are bonded. Strawberry will cry out if her sister isn’t nearby. They are always at least a few feet from one another…”

Shortly after, Boba and Strawberry found a forever home! The new furrever parents couldn’t stand the thought of separating the sisters, and just like that, they went on to live a happy life together.
It was a bittersweet moment for Grace, however, she was happy the trio went from a cold and scary shelter life to a warm furrever home!