Man Follows Injured Stray Cat And Discovers A Heartwarming Surprise That Changes Everything

man follows stray cat

Walter, or as I like to refer to him ‘cat whisperer’, helped numerous stray cats over time. In fact, 13 of them decided to just stay in his garden and live their best lives there. Walter didn’t mind it at all!

One day a stray cat found her way into Walter’s backyard. In search of food, she probably noticed all the cats and wanted to see what the fuss was about!

Walter immediately went out to meet the newcomer. She was extremely friendly and was all about those cuddles!

mama cat walking
Credit: YouTube

Right away, he noticed two things about her. This little cuddle bug was a mom, and sadly, her left leg seemed to be injured!

He wanted to bring her straight to the vet, but the fact she had a litter somewhere worried him. Therefore, Walter came up with a genius plan!

He decided to follow her as soon as she ate, but cat momma had other plans. She enjoyed his backyard to the fullest! Lying around in the grass and taking in the sun! Such a little diva, right?

cat lays on grass and turns back
Credit: YouTube

Walter, of course, waited patiently for her. However, every time he turned around she vanished and he missed the chance to follow her.

This went on for days, until finally one day his plan went through. He followed her quietly through the streets until they reached the hiding spot.

cat walking
Credit: YouTube

In the bushes, five adorable kittens were waiting for their momma! Walter decided to take them straight to the vet.

mama cat showing puppies
Credit: YouTube

Momma cat observed Walter’s every move, but soon she realized – he was there to help. The vet took a look at the kittens, who were all more than healthy.

Then, they took an x-ray of momma cat’s leg and it turned out to be an old untreated fracture. Walter also explained it in his video on YouTube:

“Trying to correct it is very difficult at this stage. Amputation is also an option but there isn’t need for that right now.”

xray picture
Credit: YouTube

While mama cat was resting in the clinic with her kittens, Walter made sure to find a proper foster home. Luckily, one of his close friends offered to help! 

Once they arrived at their new foster home, cat momma made sure to check every corner of the house. As he recalls:

“Once she secured the perimeter, she started cleaning the kittens.”

mama cat breastfeeding her babies
Credit: YouTube

They stayed at their foster home up until the kittens were two months old. Walter then moved them to his dad’s house where they had more space to play around.

At this point, these little fuzz balls created complete havoc! They jumped around, played with each other, climbed on every piece of furniture, and drove their momma nuts!

kittens playing at home
Credit: YouTube

Meanwhile, Walter managed to find forever homes for the little ones. He had a safe home waiting for each and every one of them, as he updated in a video later on:

Unfortunately, he couldn’t find a forever home for their mom. That, however, meant only one thing – she got to stay with him. 

cat in wooden box
Credit: YouTube

She enjoyed his backyard to the fullest, scratching the trees and running around. Surely, Walter was there to provide the much-needed cuddle sessions!

This caring cat momma warmed my heart and I am glad she can enjoy her life in the safety of Walter’s garden!

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