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Lifeless Kitten Was Lying On The Road Until His Savior Performed CPR To Bring Him Back To Life

Lifeless Kitten Was Lying On The Road Until His Savior Performed CPR To Bring Him Back To Life

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Recently, a kind-hearted man discovered a tiny kitten abandoned on the roadside near his home. 

Shocked, he found the kitten was stiff and unresponsive, showing no signs of a heartbeat or breathing. 

Deep down, he believed he could revive the poor kitty and give it a second chance at life. Without hesitation, he began performing CPR on the tiny body.

a man rescuing tiny kitten
Credit: YouTube

The man gently pressed on the kitten’s chest with his fingers for nearly an hour. 

Within the first few minutes, he noticed the kitten’s mouth opening. As time passed, the kitten began responding more and more, until he finally started breathing on his own.

Overjoyed, the man took the kitten home, knowing he just found a new forever friend. 

kitten on orange blanket
Credit: YouTube

At home, he fed the kitten, who likely hadn’t had a proper meal in days. After eating, he placed the kitten in a comfy bed and covered him with a warm blanket to help raise his body temperature. 

Exhausted and still fairly weak, the kitten soon fell asleep, drifting off into Dreamland.

grey kitten on the floor
Credit: YouTube

After his brief but rejuvenating nap, the kitten clambered out of his bed and began exploring his new home. His walk was wobbly and uncertain.

The man took him outside to enjoy some sunshine and meet his canine siblings. Though a bit sluggish, the kitten seemed to enjoy interacting with his new family. 

Wanting the best for his new furry friend, the man decided it was time for a vet visit.

man feeding kitty
Credit: YouTube

At the clinic, the vet gave the kitten a thorough examination and noted that, aside from mild diarrhea, he was in good health. 

The kitten was still a bit weak, but the vet was optimistic that with proper nutrition and rest, he would fully recover in a few days. 

He prescribed some medications for the kitten, explained how to administer them to the man, and sent them on their way home.

a big box
Credit: YouTube

The first couple of days of caring for the kitten were pretty much the same; the man made sure to feed him high-quality food, give him his medicine, and keep him clean as the kitten was still suffering from bouts of diarrhea.

He also made sure the kitten got plenty of sunshine each day and enough rest to regain his strength and eventually become the most energetic feline in the neighborhood. 

The kitten had a hearty appetite and spent most of the day sleeping in his custom-made bed: An old cardboard box with a heater attached to one end to keep him warm and cozy.

His dad truly thought of everything!

kitten in a box
Credit: YouTube

The man took such good care of the kitten; he and his friends even took turns checking on the fragile kitten throughout the night to ensure he was doing well. 

When it came time to name his feline friend, the man came up with a fun idea: He wrote several names on pieces of paper, folded them, and tossed them on the floor for the kitten to choose. 

The name he bit would be his. The kitten eagerly participated in this game, selecting the name Eight Stripes!

adorable kitten
Credit: YouTube

In just a few days, the man transformed Eight Stripes from a stiff, breathless ball of fur found abandoned on the roadside into the lively and spirited cat he was always meant to be. 

Today, Eight Stripes is incredibly playful and affectionate. He loves hanging out with his canine siblings, basking in the garden sun, and exploring the great outdoors. 

But more than anything, he adores his favorite human and cherishes every second spent with the man who gave him a second chance at life.

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