Let me introduce you to Sir Whines-A-Lot, a lovely rescue kitty from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who happens to have the weirdest obsession I have ever heard of.
Believe it or not, this sneaky feline is so obsessed with money that he even devised his own plan to steal cash from complete strangers.
I guess this sweet kitty is not so sweet after all…

Sir Whines-A-Lot has gained quite a reputation around the office of the marketing company GuRuStu where he lives and works full-time!
During the day, he makes sure to tick off all his daily tasks: Sitting on top of someone’s keyboard, entertaining colleagues during breaks, dealing with paperwork, and ensuring everyone is doing their job.
However, during the night, when everyone is safely tucked in their beds, that’s when Sir Whines-A-Lot’s true nature truly comes into play.

GuRuStu’s founder, Stuart McDaniel, first noticed something fishy one morning when he found a couple of dollar bills on the floor.
The mysterious money was discovered near the glass door in the office where Sir Whines-A-Lot likes to lie in the sun and watch people.
At first, he hadn’t thought much about it – until it happened, again, and again, and again…

Suspecting their furry colleague Sir Whines-A-Lot was the main culprit, Stuart decided to conduct a little experiment. He shared in an interview:
“It kept happening, but we didn’t know why. So we decided to test a theory. We tried sliding money through the gap in the door, and the cat hopped up and snatched it.”
To everyone’s surprise, their hypothesis proved true: Sir Whines-A-Lot was indeed the one behind the cash crisis in their office!

Stuart assumed that Sir Whines-A-Lot had been enticing passersby to come and play with him through the glass door when no co-workers were around.
In that case, a dollar bill sounds like quite a convenient toy to offer a kitty through the door slot. Stuart explained the situation further:
“I’m guessing the first people didn’t intend to lose their dollar. They probably put it in to mess with him, and he snatched it. When you hold money there, he’ll bat at it playfully at first, like, ‘Oh, that’s kinda fun.’ But then all of a sudden he’ll bite it and rip it from your hand. He does it so fast, you don’t even realize what’s happened.”
Here’s an adorable video of Sir Whines-A-Lot in action, who has rightfully earned the fitting nickname CASHnip Kitty:
It wasn’t long before Sir Whines-A-Lot’s cash-grabbing game became a local attraction. Soon, more and more people started coming to GuRuStu to play with the silliest kitty in all of Oklahoma.
And Sir Whines-A-Lot? He simply adores his game, and he knows he’s good at it. As Stuart put it:
“When the money comes through, he pats it. Like, ‘This is my money now.’ He’ll even wallow in it – like, rolling in the dough. He’ll literally roll around in it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

If you’re wondering what’s the company doing with all that money, I have pretty good news for you!
They’re donating it to a local charity dedicated to helping the city’s homeless population! Isn’t that wonderful?
Stuart was certain Sir Whines-A-Lot would approve of their idea. As he said:
“He was homeless once, so it seems fitting.”

Look, I’ve heard of feline food obsession, water obsession, going outside obsession, and even potato obsession – but Sir Whines-A-Lot’s definitely takes the cake for me!
What do you think about this silly cat’s hobby? Does your fluff have a similar story to tell? Feel free to share in the comments below!
Also, make sure you follow Sir Whines-A-Lot, aka CASHnip Kitty, on Facebook.
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