20 Photos Of Cats As Penguins In Disguise

Cat imitating the penguins

Alright, so we all know that penguins and cats aren’t exactly known for hanging out together. However, it turns out cats have a little trick up their furry sleeves to get closer to their long-distance pals.

Cats, being the quirky creatures they are, sometimes strike a pose that’s straight out of the penguin playbook. It leaves us wondering about all the hilarious stories behind these photos.

You see, cats usually stand on their hind legs when they’re curious and trying to get a better look at something above their usual sightline. But who’s to say they’re not doing it on purpose to channel their inner penguin vibes?

Hahaha! I like to imagine these offbeat felines know exactly what they’re doing with their penguin impersonations and are sending a message to their flightless bird buddies around the world. 

Let’s take a look at their photos and have a good laugh together!


funny cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing like a penguin
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing in the hall of the house
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing in the courtyard of the house
Source: Sad and Useless


cute cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


gray cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


gray and white cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


cat with long neck standing
Source: Sad and Useless


fat cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing outside
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing in the house
Source: Sad and Useless


black and white cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing on a floor
Source: Sad and Useless


black cat standing in the house
Source: Sad and Useless


two cats, one standing, on walking
Source: Sad and Useless


cute kitten standing
Source: Sad and Useless


weird cat standing
Source: Sad and Useless


cat standing near flowers
Source: Sad and Useless


fat cat standing in the house
Source: Sad and Useless


black cat standing near window
Source: Sad and Useless

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