Shelter Cat Overlooked For Having Different-Sized Eyes Finally Gets Adopted

espresso the shelter cat

Every shelter animal deserves a loving home, but some are often overlooked simply because they don’t fit the typical mold. 

Sometimes cats get unlucky because of their fur color, sometimes because of a certain physical disability, and sometimes it’s simply because they look a bit different than other cats.

This was the case for Espresso, a special cat waiting for someone to see beyond her unique appearance and welcome her into their family.

shelter cat lying
Credit: Facebook

However, Espresso just didn’t seem to catch a break! People kept passing by and it was most likely because of her unusual eyes.

Espresso, currently under the care of the Ohio SPCA & Humane Society, has a striking feature that makes her stand out: her eyes are different sizes. 

This distinctive trait, likely due to a birth defect or old injury, has unfortunately led potential adopters to pass Espresso by, despite her endearing personality.

When she first arrived at the shelter, she was an injured stray nursing her kittens. Thankfully, her injuries have since healed, and her kittens have all found loving homes. 

But Espresso remained at the shelter, still searching for someone who would appreciate her for who she is.

photo of shelter cat
Credit: Facebook

The shelter staff have grown fond of Espresso and describe her as a “quiet but very friendly girl” who gets along well with both other cats and people of all ages. 

They believe her unique eyes only add to her charm and are hopeful that someone will soon agree.

Despite her unusual appearance, Espresso’s health is in great condition. She’s been dewormed, vaccinated, spayed, and microchipped, just like all the other cats at the shelter. What she needed was a family who would love her unconditionally.

The Ohio SPCA & Humane Society encouraged anyone interested in adopting Espresso to visit their website to download an adoption form. 

cat with a sign
Credit: Facebook

After many adoption inquiries and a series of setbacks, Espresso has finally found her forever home! 

The shelter shared the update: “8/8,” meaning that while there were seven previous inquiries that didn’t work out, the eighth was a charm. Espresso has now been adopted by a loving family who cherishes her unique traits.

Please share Espresso’s story to inspire others to adopt cats who are waiting for their chance at a loving home.

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