Seattle Fosterer Takes In Shy Bonded Kittens And Helps Them Turn Into Sweet Cuddle Bugs

two ginger cats

The Alley Cat Project from Seattle, Washington, recently embarked on a rescue mission. 

two ginger cats
Source: Instagram

A cat colony lived on an abandoned lot filled with trash and dangerous debris. Afraid the cats might injure themselves in such an environment, the rescue group wanted to remove them as soon as possible.

two cute ginger cats
Source: Instagram

Among all those poor souls, were two ginger kittens. The sibling duo was so scared that they hissed at the volunteers at first. 

A dedicated foster volunteer named Josh Norem decided to open his home to the ginger siblings, Purr Monster and Twinkle Toes. He hoped that with his love, he could turn them into sweet little cuddle bugs. 

sweet ginger cat
Source: Instagram

However, once Josh brought them to his home he soon realized that these two were just putting on a show. 

The poor souls were just afraid of everything and they acted aggressively to protect themselves. 

adorable ginger cats
Source: Instagram

Purr Monster would hide behind his brother, while Twinkle Toes would hiss at Josh. He was just doing his best to ‘protect’ his brother from the scary human!

Josh knew he had to take it slow with them and he was amazed by the bond these two brothers had. The hardship of street life made them look after and protect each other from anything they considered scary. 

two ginger cats laying down
Source: Instagram

Josh took some yummy treats and decided to lure them out of their hiding spot with some food. Purr Monster was hiding behind his brother, but once he smelled the treat he built up some courage and came closer to Josh. 

From this moment on, Purr Monster forgot what he was even afraid of! He started purring, justifying his name, and showed Josh that deep down inside he was just a cuddly kitten. 

two cats sitting on a owner legs
Source: Instagram

Twinkle Toes remained suspicious, but seeing his brother getting all the love and treats from Josh made him change his mind. 

He slowly started coming out of his shell and allowing Josh to come close to him. Whenever he felt scared, he would hide behind his brother. 

After 3 weeks in their foster home, the two ginger brothers even forgot what scared them so much at the beginning. 

owner petting a ginger cat
Source: Instagram

They turned into true lap kittens, always demanding some love and attention. They would follow Josh around the house, and the moment he sat down Twinkle Toes and Purr Monster would snuggle up next to him. 

It was amazing to Josh what a lot of treats and love did to these two. They went from shy and scared to the biggest purr machines ever!

Until Josh finds them a perfect forever home, they will stay with him and enjoy all the love from their foster dad!

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