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Spicy Feral Kitten Overcomes His Fears And Embraces The Kind Human Who Helped Him

Spicy Feral Kitten Overcomes His Fears And Embraces The Kind Human Who Helped Him

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Most feral felines are notoriously cautious and can often appear aggressive. So naturally, the kitten star of today’s story is no exception. 

This poor kitten was so terrified of humans that his only response was to hiss and growl at anyone who approached him.

Thankfully, the man who found him was a devoted cat lover who knew that with patience and love, even the most fearful feline could learn to trust. He was determined not to let the kitten’s defensive behavior deter him from helping.

scared cat
Credit: YouTube

The man found the kitten and his littermates in a park near his home. While the kitten’s siblings were relatively calm and approachable, he was the black sheep of his family – angry and frightened. 

Every approach was met with hisses, growls, and swats.

Despite the kitten’s resistance, the man gently persisted, reassuring him with gentle words, “You can trust me!” But the kitten was not easily convinced.

cat hissing at hand
Credit: YouTube

Eventually, the man pulled out the oldest trick in the book: He brought food. Knowing that food is the way to everyone’s heart, he tried bribing the kitten with a plate of yummy canned goodness.

Confused by the man’s gesture, the kitten initially stared at his plate, but eventually subdued to the delicious smell and gave in.

As the kitten ate, the man spoke softly to him. He said:

“I know you’re scared. I know you’re trying to be the tough guy. But you don’t have to be. You can be nice.”

cat eating
Credit: YouTube

The following day, the man met the kitten’s siblings who were, as mentioned above, a lot friendlier than him. He gave them something to eat and even pet some of them on the head. 

The man tried petting his wary friend, too. The kitten allowed a brief touch before retreating.

This didn’t discourage the man; he understood that trust takes time to build. As with many things in life, small steps are better than no steps at all. The important thing was that he had no intention of giving up.

“We’ll improve, each and every day. I don’t care how long does it take.”

man holding stray cat
Credit: YouTube

On the third day, a miracle happened: The man was holding the kitten! 

As usual, the man brought food, but this time, he gently scooped the kitten up into his arms. Remarkably, the kitten did not resist.

From that moment on, the kitten’s demeanor transformed. He let down his guard and began to show his true colors: He was playful, curious, and affectionate – just like any other kitten!

scared stray cat outdoors
Credit: YouTube

This story beautifully illustrates that with love and patience, even the most cautious of feral cats can become loving companions. 

Thanks to this man’s dedication, the precious kitten let go of his spicy feral ways and embraced a more affectionate nature – in just three days.

If this story touched your heart, please share it with your friends! And don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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