Stray Cat In Huston, Texas Gives Birth Under A Car In The Cold Rain Needing Urgent Help

mama cat and her kitten struggling

Life is really hard for stray animals, and Rue was no different. She had a tough time living on the streets, and things got even more difficult when she gave birth to her kittens under a car. 

Luckily, there was a wonderful woman named Erin from Huston, Texas, whose passion is to help cats in need. When she heard about Rue and her little ones, she knew she had to act fast. 

cats struggling in a box
Credit: Instagram

Erin didn’t want them to stay in the animal shelter for too long. She hurried to bring them home with her, sharing:

“She gave birth under a car in the cold rain and was brought to a shelter.”

When Erin brought Rue and her little kittens home, it was obvious they needed help right away. 

Unfortunately, two of the kittens were very weak and didn’t make it while they were still at the shelter. Rue was feeling anxious about them but she still appeared calm, possibly because she felt safe and secure at Erin’s home.

On the other hand, the other two kittens were trembling from the cold. So, Erin quickly wrapped them in a heating pad and started giving them sweetened water every few minutes to boost their blood sugar. 

cat in blanket
Credit: Instagram

It was a race against time, but Erin was determined to do everything she could to help them, as she shared on Instagram:

“The babies are really cold. I’m not sure if they’re going to make it but I’m going to try my best.”

Sadly, only one kitten called Riley was able to survive. However, despite being just 24 hours old, she was already infested with fleas. 

Erin was always watching over her and Rue making sure they got everything they needed. She got rid of the fleas, but there was still one more problem to solve.

cats laying on blanket
Credit: Instagram

As time went on, it became more challenging when Rue didn’t want to feed Riley, causing her to lose weight. 

Erin had to help by holding Rue in a certain way so the kitten could eat. Even though she lost some of her kittens, Rue stayed calm and loving during this difficult time, as Erin continued:

“Rue lets her nurse, but only if I force her to roll over. And she stops if any little thing spooks her. The baby is not gaining weight fast enough.”

tiny kitten eating
Credit: Instagram

Erin became even more concerned about the kitten’s survival due to this. However, as time passed, things slowly became less challenging. 

As Riley became healthier, Erin had to switch her to formula because Rue’s milk supply dried out. 

She kept taking care of both of them and shared updates on her Instagram. It was really nice to witness Rue turning into a caring mom over time, but there’s no question that this situation was terrifying for her. Erin continued: 

“I love watching Rue and her baby interact. She loves him so much and does a great job caring for him. He is the only survivor of her litter of 4 kittens. He is a fighter!”

kitten on mama cat's back
Credit: Instagram

Erin fosters a lot of cats because she loves them, but she can’t keep all of them forever. Still, she puts all her love and effort into looking after each and every one of them. 

When Riley became healthier and Rue and Riley became closer, Erin realized that they had to stay together in the future. The idea of separating them was too sad to even think about.

mama cat hugs kitten
Credit: Instagram

Erin’s followers were really interested in Rue and Riley’s story, wanting to find out if they would end up living together. Erin promised them that splitting them up was not going to happen – they were a package deal. 

Even though Rue and Riley were Erin’s closest buddies for a bit, the time finally arrived for them to discover their forever home.

mama cat sniffing kitten
Credit: Instagram

It was really tough for Erin to say goodbye, but she knew that Rue and Riley were going to a home filled with love, and most importantly they get to do all of it together.

Soon enough, they got adopted and Erin made a heartfelt post, mentioning:

“Bye Rue and Riley. Thank you for choosing me to be your foster mom! You are going to have the most amazing life.”

cat playing
Credit: Instagram

While I believe it was hard to say goodbye, I’m glad that Rue and Riley found a loving home where they will thrive, play, and be safe. 

However, it’s all thanks to amazing Erin, whose dedication and quick action gave this little family a second chance.

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