It was a New Year’s Day when a concerned family called Jonathan Henriques, the director of Rescue Alliance in Gonzales, CA. They had spotted something no one should ever have to witness – teens shooting fireworks at a kitten.
When Jonathan arrived, the sight before him was more heartbreaking than he had imagined. A helpless kitten was tied up with a leash and collar, ensuring there was no way to run, no chance to save himself, as Johnatan shared in a video interview:
“They had the kitten on an actual leash with a little collar so the kitten couldn’t run away, and then the kids were actually shooting Roman candles at it.”

The fireworks exploded around him, and he couldn’t flee. His eyes were already damaged by the intense heat and bright flashes of the fireworks.
The teens seemed oblivious to the suffering they were causing, treating the situation as if it were some kind of game. Jonathan couldn’t shake the thought that these kids might have seen the kitten as nothing more than an object to torment, sharing:
“The kids don’t understand this is actual animal cruelty.”
It seemed they didn’t fully understand the damage they had caused, or perhaps they didn’t care. Seeing Johnatan approaching, the teenagers ran away.

The kitten was only six weeks old, and the injury to his eye was so severe that Johnatan feared he might lose it altogether. As he cradled him gently, he knew that without help, this precious soul might never recover.
With the kitten in his arms, Jonathan rushed to a nearby vet, where they confirmed his worst fears: the injury was so severe that they might not be able to save the eye.
The kitten’s life had already been shaken up by this cruel act, and now Jonathan was left with the heartbreaking task of trying to save what he could.

The kitten, now named Angel, is currently staying with a caring foster family through Rescue Alliance.
He’s receiving not only the medical treatments he needs but also the love and comfort he has been missing, as the shelter shared:
“Angel is now safe in our care and getting the vet care he needs to thrive.”
Though Angel is in safe hands, his journey to recovery is far from over.
The Rescue Alliance is tirelessly working to raise funds to cover his mounting medical expenses, which could include delicate surgery or even the removal of his injured eye.
They are urging the community to come together and help give this brave little kitten a fighting chance to heal and live a life free from pain.
Every donation, big or small, could make all the difference in giving Angel the bright future he deserves.

Angel’s story shows the heartbreaking consequences of cruelty and reveals how senseless acts of harm can leave lasting scars.
No living creature should ever have to suffer for someone else’s amusement which is why we need to do better – step up, speak out, and stand up for those who can’t protect themselves.
At the end of the day, kindness isn’t just something we choose; it’s something we owe to every living being.
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