Heroic Boy Endangers Himself To Save A Cat In Labor During A Raging Typhoon

boy protecting cat in labor

Being a stray cat is tough, but imagine what it’s like for them when they don’t have a safe place to hide during natural catastrophes. 

Most cats don’t even survive in such situations, but this one did, thanks to a young, brave Filipino boy who did everything to protect her.

boy protecting cat in labor with big waves in background

When the raging typhoon struck the place, everyone disappeared looking for a secure place to hide, except for one young boy who stayed outside soaked to the skin.

cat under a plastic wrap

The reason why this young boy didn’t hide was because he saw a mother cat in labor who couldn’t move at the moment. 

Therefore, the boy took a plastic cover and held it over the mother cat to protect her from the disaster.

man with a blue umbrella and a cat looking a waves

Apparently, the young boy didn’t care much about what was happening around him. His primary focus was to help the poor mother cat to deliver her babies as safely as possible.

man boy and a cat in the middle of a typhoon

Thanks to this young boy with a huge heart, a stray cat and her kittens were later rescued by local animal welfare and taken to safety.

We can all use this brave and kind boy as an example. Not everyone would do what he did that day, and I think that he has helped many people restore faith in humanity!

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