Family Breaks The Black Cat Myth To Give A Kitten His Happily Ever After

If you ask me, every kitten is adorable and worthy of a loving home. I mean, we’re talking about kittens – what’s there not to like?
However, for some, the color of the kittens’ fur is surprisingly significant. Many people, superstitiously fearing bad luck, hesitate to even consider opening their homes to black kittens.
As a result, these kittens often languish in shelters or foster homes, waiting far longer than others for someone to adopt them.
Mochi, the kitten at the heart of today’s story, recently faced just such a plight. Despite a rough start in life, the real challenge was watching his siblings get adopted one by one while he patiently waited for his turn.
Want to find out more? Let’s dive in!
Mochi’s Origin Story

Mochi and his siblings were still babies when a kind woman discovered them tied in a plastic bag.
Knowing they urgently needed help beyond her means, she reached out to Stoyan and Dessy, two local cat lovers renowned for their dedication to helping stray cats by providing food, veterinary care, and shelter.
The two responded immediately to her call and went to the location. Carefully, they placed the kittens in a cardboard box lined with a warm blanket and brought them to their home.

Thankfully, Stoyan and Dessy were experienced in fostering newborn kittens, so they knew precisely how to care for them, giving them the best chances of survival.
They bottle-fed the kittens with formula, then let them rest and gather strength. Their goal was to nurture them until they were healthy, robust, and ready for adoption.

Each day, the three kittens got better and better. Sometimes feeding them got a bit tiresome, but luckily Stoyan and Dessy weren’t giving up that easily.
The sleepless nights spent caring for their new charges paid off – watching the kittens grow became their greatest reward.
Soon, the kittens transitioned to wet food and began to explore, showcasing their playful and curious personalities. They were energetic, affectionate, and brimming with life – just like any other happy and healthy kittens!
Victim Of Common Feline Superstitions

While the three kittens adored their rescuers, the time to find them their own forever homes eventually came.
Mochi’s brother and sister, one gray and the other a dilute calico kitten, quickly found families eager to adopt them. But for Mochi, the journey was more challenging due to the unfortunate stigma surrounding black cats.

It seemed no one was interested in adopting a black kitten. Therefore, Stoyan and Dessy decided to keep him a bit longer.
After all, their home was a haven for rescued cats, where Mochi made friends with all, particularly Puhcho and Pisscun.
As time passed, Mochi blossomed into a stunning black cat. He loved to clamber up onto his owners’ shoulders, resembling a miniature black panther.
He thoroughly enjoyed his time in the foster home, playing with his friends, until one day everything changed…
From A Plastic Bag To A Loving Forever Home

Finally, after days of waiting and hoping for a call, a wonderful young family reached out to Stoyan and Dessy about adopting sweet Mochi.
The two were overjoyed! Their beloved feline friend would finally have his very own forever family!
They quickly prepared Mochi, got into the car, and drove over 100 miles to meet the people who would provide Mochi with a loving home.
The family included a little girl, meaning Mochi would also gain a human sister. How wonderful is that?

In a world where some can heartlessly stuff innocent kittens into plastic bags and discard them, it’s comforting to know there are people like Stoyan and Dessy who deeply care for animals and are eager to help.
With compassionate individuals willing to make a difference, nothing is impossible!