Fierce Feline Who Hates Everyone Befriends His Tiny Lookalike

Just like us, our feline friends have unique characteristics, and we need to tailor their environment to meet their specific needs. Some cats find it challenging to share their home with other animals, including other cats.

However, what happens when your feline companion hates every cat that crosses your path? Well, that’s what happened to Izzy, a proud mom of a ginger fluffball.
Her ginger cat named Garfield was never a big fan of other cats. Whenever Izzy took him out for a walk he would immediately go into full attack mode once he spotted a stray cat. As his mom said in a video:
“Whenever he sees a cat, he would pull us to go to the cat and try to start a fight, which of course we don’t allow.”

His mom Izzy never thought she would be able to adopt or rescue another cat, but little did she know a little stray was about to change it all…

Every year, Izzy installs a tie-out system in her front yard where Garfield can safely enjoy the outdoors. It’s a small pulley system that allows Garfield to run around the front yard on a leash.
This was more than just running around for fluffy Garfield, it was his chance to chase stray cats in the area away from his territory!
Izzy spotted numerous cats being chased up and down because of feisty Garfield. However, one day a tiny ginger kitten was brave enough to approach Garfield and it changed the course of their lives. As Izzy mentioned:
“Suddenly, this one cat walks over, and Garfield didn’t mind him at all. He actually kind of liked him.”

At first, Izzy was amazed that Garfield allowed a stray kitten to even come close to him. Every day when Izzy took him out, this tiny ginger fluffball would emerge from the bushes ready for some playtime.
Naming him Buddy, the family made sure he always had a dish full of food on their front porch. However, he wasn’t interested to join the family inside.

Whenever Garfield has had enough outdoor time, his friend Buddy would just wander off into his own adventures and come back the next day.
It took him some time to get curious about what indoor life looked like. As Izzy also shared:
“When Buddy started coming inside the house, you would seem to notice that he’s kind of curious about everything. He’s just being exposed to these new things that he’s not used to.”

One thing Buddy adored, was being around Garfield. Cuddling, napping, or just staring at Garfield was his favorite thing to do.
For the first time in his life, Garfield enjoyed having a feline friend. He even shared his favorite toys with Buddy!

Garfield turned into the biggest cuddle bug, all thanks to a stray ginger kitten. Thanks to Buddy, Izzy was able to adopt two more cats and Garfield accepted them just as he accepted Buddy!If you are curious about their adorable fluffy family, make sure to follow them over on Instagram!