Man Dubs Over Cat Video Hilariously Voicing What He Thinks Goes On In Feline Mind

Man Dubs Over Cat Video

If I were ever dubbed the ‘crazy cat lady,’ it would definitely be because I talk to my cats. 

I treat my five fluffs as if they’re human: I share details about my day, gossip about my annoying coworkers, and confess my endless love for Mr. Darcy. 

Although my neighbors might think I’m completely wacky, I find comfort in knowing I’m not alone. There’s a whole community of cat moms and dads out there who talk to their feline companions as if they could talk back. 

It’s too bad cats can’t actually respond, but thanks to Andrew Grantham, I kind of don’t have to wonder what they’d say anymore…

a white cat with green eyes is looking at the camera
Credit: YouTube

Andrew is a proud pet parent and a true comedy aficionado. 

He runs the ‘Talking Animals’ YouTube channel, where he uploads homemade videos of pets and dubs over them, giving viewers a humorous insight into what our furry friends might be thinking.

His funny videos have gained a lot of popularity, bringing him millions of views on YouTube. 

People adore the hilarity of his dubs; they love hearing what he imagines the animals would say, even if the interpretations might not be entirely accurate.

a white cat lies on the boards
Credit: YouTube

The video you’ve all come here to see features a lovely white kitty named Jupiter, whose video was submitted to Andrew by her owner (@snowbirdy6). 

He dubbed it over to humorously interpret what goes through a feline’s mind when their owner uses baby talk with them. 

The video Andrew released on his YouTube channel was a tremendous hit, amassing over 13 million views! 

If you’re in the mood for a good laugh, check out the video here:

In the video, the owner (voiced by Andrew) uses a high-pitched voice, exaggerating every single syllable and speaking very melodically – just like we often do when talking to babies. 

In contrast, the cat (also voiced by Andrew) responds with a much deeper voice; she’s chill and laid-back, answering only in short sentences and appearing very cool and nonchalant.

It seems like she’s politely trying to escape the conversation, especially by the time the owner asks the inevitable ‘Who’s my kitty?’ question, to which she’s clearly had enough. 

‘Don’t do that!’ she curtly replies, but the owner, undeterred, continues – much to the kitty’s annoyance.

angry white cat
Credit: YouTube

The owner keeps annoying his favorite fluff, and the kitty threatens, ‘You better not put this on YouTube!’ 

Fortunately, this video did end up on YouTube, brightening the days of millions. I hope it made you laugh as much as it did me.

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