Kind Neighbors Rescue An Abandoned Cat Unaware Of The Incredible Secret She’s Hiding

Kind People Take In Cat Abandoned By Their Neighbors

A few weeks ago, an adorable gray tabby cat was abandoned by her owners when they moved away.

Their neighbors saw the poor girl wandering around, desperately waiting for her humans to return and take her with them.

Feeling sorry for her, the kind neighbors took her in, giving her some food and a place to stay. 

Hoping to find her owners, they posted about her on their local ‘Lost and Found’ page, but unfortunately without success. 

So, after a couple of weeks, they took her to their local vet to check for a microchip, learning that not only was she not chipped, but she was also expecting babies!

They were completely surprised to learn that their new feline friend was pregnant. 

However, as they were planning to move soon too, they knew they wouldn’t be able to care for an adult cat and her kittens. 

So they reached out to Best Friends Feline for help – and the kind people there gladly took her in.

They named the kitty Clara and immediately found her a loving foster home where Clara fit right in.

Best Friends Feline shared Clara’s story with their Facebook friends, writing the following:

“Clara has settled into foster care beautifully and is such a sweet girl. She is super smoochy and just loves people and will smooch and purr away. She still has about 1-2 weeks to go before her babies arrive, so in the meantime we are giving her as much kitten food as she wants to build up her strength for the impending arrival of babies!”

After being cruelly abandoned by her previous owners and spending several weeks outside, Clara clearly enjoyed the comforts of an indoor life. 

She thrived with her foster family, who provided excellent care for the adorable mama-to-be.

Even though everyone thought Clara had about two weeks before giving birth, this lovely cat actually had other plans. 

Just a couple of days after settling into her foster home, Clara found a nice comfy spot and welcomed six adorable kittens into the world. 

She gave birth to one calico girl named Mae, one ginger boy named Iggy, one chocolate-and-white girl named Giuliana, and three torbie girls, Avanna, Gail, and Emme.

Here are the kittens! Say hello to sweet Mae…

…then to silly Iggy…

…then to beautiful Giuliana…

…then to sweet Avanna…

…and even sweeter Gail…

… and finally adorable Emme.

Talking about Clara’s parenting skills, Best Friends Felines posted the following on their Facebook page:

“Clara is ridiculously sweet and is such a great mumma – while she loves to be in her nest area with her babies, she also loves human cuddles, so will often come and sit on my lap smooching away, watching her babies play from the safety of my lap. When her babies start to squawk she will head back into her nest to feed them. I’m quite sure she’s had kittens before because she is a natural.”

Whether she had kittens before or not, I can tell Clara is a great mother. Her babies look happy and healthy, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them and their mom. 

If not for the kind neighbors, Clara would have given birth on the cold street and might have lost a kitten or two. 

But thanks to them, this brilliant mama had the chance to deliver her kittens in a warm and loving home.

I hope Clara and her babies soon find their forever homes, preferably together! I’ll keep my fingers crossed; what about you?

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