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Shelter Cats Feel Grass Beneath Their Paws For The First Time After Rescue

Shelter Cats Feel Grass Beneath Their Paws For The First Time After Rescue

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Furball Farm Cat Sanctuary from Faribault Minnesota differs from your regular cat rescue organization.

They are dedicated to saving as many feral cats as possible, making sure they have a safe space to spend their time. 

shelter staff in a catio for cats
Credit: YouTube

However, recently they rescued a huge colony of cats with a heartbreaking background. You see, the cats from today’s story spent the majority of their lives caged up.

These poor furballs had never touched grass, felt the breeze through their whiskers, or experienced the joy of chasing bugs.

a lot of cats in a shelter
Credit: YouTube

Once they were rescued by this amazing organization, the shelter staff decided to change all that. 

With more than enough outdoor space around the shelter, the team decided to build a huge catio for the rescued cats, where they could safely roam around and enjoy the sun!

cats released from shelter
Credit: YouTube

After months of careful planning and building, the day to release the cats finally came. The shelter decided to capture it all on camera, curious to see how they were going to react.

Once they opened the gates they thought the cats would run out immediately. However, the cats stood still, almost as if they were scared to take a leap.

a bunch of cats
Credit: YouTube

One of the cats named Otis, was the first one to jump out and with this, he showed the other cats there’s nothing to be afraid of!

Slowly, all of the cats started going out but most of them were still afraid of the unknown. Luckily, the shelter staff was there to encourage them!

cats released from shelter straight to the grass
Credit: YouTube

It’s sad to think that most of these cats never experienced such a simple thing as walking on grass, but thanks to amazing organizations like Furball Farm Cat Sanctuary it was all about to change! 

Make sure to watch the video down below and see their reaction to their new outdoor space!

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