Woman Notices A Timid Furry Soul Hiding In Her Backyard Leading To A Beautiful Friendship

When Liana and her husband got their tuxedo cat Piper, little did they know that the universe was about to gift them with another fur ball.
Liana’s husband called out to her one day, saying there was something moving in their backyard. Once Liana peeked outside, her eyes met with a gorgeous gray fluff.
The kitten hiding in their backyard was all alone. With no cat family in sight, Liana knew she had to step in and help the kitten.

The only problem was, every time Liana went outside the kitten would run away. She was extremely scared and timid!
As soon as Liana brought out some food, the tiny gray fluff started to come around and help herself with some delicious tuna!
However, they knew the kitty needed a safe place to spend her nights. Liana decided that trapping the kitten in a cage would be the easiest way to get her inside the house, so she placed the cage in her backyard together with some food.
Guess what? As soon as our fur ball got hungry she followed the smell of food and… BAM! She was inside the cage! Liana proudly took her in, ready to give her all the care in the world.

They adorably named the kitten Baby. Once Liana took her out of the cage, she noticed just how scared Baby actually was.
They isolated her from their cat Piper and slowly introduced her to different parts of the house every day.

Getting Baby used to humans was super important for her new parents, as Liana said for the Dodo:
“Tried to give her as much space as we could, but at the same time, also wanting her to get used to seeing us and knowing that she is not alone.”
It took some time until Baby allowed her new parents to pet her. One day, Liana managed to pick Baby up but that almost brought her to tears, as she recalls:
“I almost cried when I picked her up for the first time, because she was just skin and bones.”

For a while, she was sleeping and spending time in her parents’ bedroom. They took the getting-to-know process super slow, which is a responsible thing to do!
It didn’t take Baby long to completely come out of her shell. She started playing around and cuddling with her new parents. Zoomies around midnight were her favorite activity, just like any other happy and healthy cat!
As she was getting more comfortable and playful they knew she was ready to meet Piper, her big sister. On their first night together, Piper and Baby were already playing and chasing each other through the house.

Eventually, Baby couldn’t leave her sister’s side and started following Piper everywhere. She became her little shadow.

Few weeks later, Liana posted an update on TikTok:
“It has been a hot minute since I posted an update on Baby. The cat distribution system delivered her to us nine weeks ago and we adore watching her grow, thrive, and become best friends with Piper.”
Baby surely chose the right backyard for shelter, as she gained a home and a family that will keep her safe forever!