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Tennessee Rescuers Joined Forces To Save 28 Kittens Abandoned In Crates On Roadside

Tennessee Rescuers Joined Forces To Save 28 Kittens Abandoned In Crates On Roadside

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I want to share a touching story about a rescue mission that happened at Lucky’s Cat House in Lewisburg, Tennessee. The staff got a call that ended up saving the lives of 28 cats and kittens. 

Someone had left crates and totes filled with cats and kittens on the side of the road in a town nearby. It was so sad to see all those animals crammed into those containers.

many kittens in cage
Source: Facebook

The people at Lucky’s Cat House were really shocked and upset. They couldn’t even imagine what those poor cats had been through. As Morgan Wilson, Lucky’s Cat House media director shared for The Dodo:

“The first emotion was anger, then heartbreak and disbelief at the amount of cats that were taped in the totes.”

black kittens
Source: Facebook

Thankfully, Brandy Fox, who helps make decisions for the shelter, quickly started helping. She carefully took out all 28 cats and kittens from their temporary cages and gave them a safe place to stay at the shelter.

Even though they were abandoned, these furry survivors amazed everyone with how much love they could give. Morgan continued:

“Everyone has done very well. All of the adults are extremely sweet and loving. The kittens just crawl all over you – they just want to be in your lap or on your shoulder.”

nine cute kittens
Source: Facebook

However, the caring staff was determined to find loving homes for these deserving animals. 

So, after getting proper medical attention, the adult cats were placed in the shelter’s free-roam room, where they could meet people who might want to adopt them.

nine kittens
Source: Facebook

And as for the kittens, they got the medical care they needed and then went to foster homes. These temporary shelters will offer a safe and caring environment for them to develop and thrive. 

They are no longer forgotten or mistreated, but instead, they are valued and loved, with a bright future full of care and affection.

nine sweet kittens
Source: Facebook

I feel so sorry for these poor cats and kittens who were left behind in such a cruel way. It’s really amazing to see how much Lucky’s Cat House cares for them. I think it’s important to help animal shelters and appreciate the amazing things they do.

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