Cat Genie Reviews: The Best Automatic Litter Box Ever?!

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There are about a million reasons why us cat owners love our little furry friends. Somehow, they always seem to put a smile on our faces and make us feel less stressed.

But one thing that is not wonderful and that we’re not so lucky to have to deal with – cleaning kitty litter. Cat poop clean up is probably my least favorite thing about owning a cat, but is still something all of us HAVE TO do.

One day, I came across this product named CatGenie 120 Self-Washing Self-Flushing Cat Box. I was immediately intrigued by the self-washing part of the name. Does that mean …I don’t have to wash a dirty litter box ever again? Sign me up right away!

So I decided to try it and I did, but then another version of the product came out, named CatGenie A.I. Fully–Flushing, Self–Scooping, Self–Cleaning, Automatic Cat Box. Here, I was intrigued by the AI part of the name and I knew I have to try this one out too!

Now, after some time of using both of these products, I am writing a review of both of them. But to put it out there right away – they are not that different so many characteristics are shared. I will point out where they differ though. I’ve gathered a lot of Cat Genie reviews from the internet, as well as  my personal experience with Cat Genie and wrote this article.

Continue reading to get to know all about this amazing automated litter box, its benefits, but also its drawbacks and see if it could potentially be a good choice for your cat and you!

Cat Genie Reviews: Versions Of This ”Cat Toilet”


CatGenie is the only self-flushing , self-washing automatic cat box in the world (at the time of writing).

There are three generations of this CatGenie self-washing litter box:

🐾 CatGenie 60

🐾 CatGenie 120

🐾 CatGenie AI

The first model (the 60 model) was released in 2007 and the second model (the 120 model) was released ten years later. The latest version of this product is the CatGenie AI, which was released in 2019. The AI model is really special due to the use of artificial intelligence in its functioning.

All three products revolutionized and changed the world’s perspective on how a cat litter box is supposed to look and how it is supposed to function. It is sifting the world from using clay litter and providing a “hands-off” experience for all cat owners .

Personally, I never tried the 60 model (and it is not produced anymore), but I did try the 120 and AI model, which I’m going to be talking about in this review.

CatGenie 120 Vs CatGenie AI – What’s The Difference?


These two cat waste management systems are extremely similar, it’s just that the AI model has some (pretty cool) advancements.

The Similarities

🐾 They look pretty much the same

🐾 They are both self–scooping, self-washing, self-flushing and self–drying

🐾 They function in the same manner – both need electricity, a cold water line, and a drain line.

🐾 Both use the same washable, reusable granules

🐾 Both have extra accessories, such as sidewalls, a dome, a door, and a mat

The Differences

🐾 As you might have already guessed – the price; the AI model is expectedly pricier than the 120 model

🐾 The AI model is more eco–friendly, as it is made to minimize the use of energy and water

🐾 The AI model can be controlled via the CatGenie app

Now that I covered the basics of these two products, let’s go into detail on how they function and what is needed for their use. Note that, considering how similar these two products are, I will be referring to them both as a CatGenie litter box and specifically point out the different features.

For example, when talking about how they function, I will be referring to both products as a CatGenie litter box . But when talking about the App, I will be talking specifically about the AI model. But don’t worry, everything will be clear and understandable!

Let’s get to reviewing now!

8 Features Of The Cat Genie Litter Box

Below, I have explained everything you need to know about this automatic litter box .

1. How Does It Work?


The Cat Genie litter box looks the same as a human toilet, which is kind of cool in my opinion. It’s very different from the traditional cat litter box .

In addition, it functions very similar to a human toilet.

The cat comes and uses the litter box. Granules do not absorb urine, but the urine actually drains away from the granules into its compartment below the granules . The granules do not clump, so the cat poop essentially stays “free” among the granules.

Next, the solid waste gets removed by the scooping arm.

No matter how you set up your automatic litter box , the self-washing step will follow. This step can come immediately, for example, after a cat uses the box, or a few times throughout the day. It all depends on what you prefer.

The cleaning process has the goal of making the granules clean again. This is done using water and SaniSolution .

Next, the cat poop together with the urine get transferred into the toilet.

The granules are then dried, and the CatGenie litter box is ready to be used again.

2. It Has A 3-Step Cleaning Process

The cleaning process of this automatic litter box has three successive steps. The scoop–wash–flush–dry process takes about 40 minutes.

1. The Scooping Cycle

In the first step of the cleaning process , the solid waste must be removed. You’ll recall that the urine drains away from the granules, so only the poop stays among the granules.

The scooping arm swipes through the granules multiple times, capturing solid waste and removing it from the granules.

The container with the granules spins, while the scooping arm is held in place – so any poop coming the scooper’s way is going to be “trapped”.

2. The Wash Cycle

After all the cat poo has been removed, the washing phase can start. Here, the granules get submerged in water and then into SaniSolution. The purpose of this phase is to make the granules completely clean again.

The container that holds the granules rotates while the scooping arm helps wash the granules. The water usually starts turning yellow, indicating that the granules have some urine on them. The water then drains. The granules are submerged in water and the water subsequently drains (into your toilet or another type of drainage line) a few times.

The same process is then repeated with the SaniSolution which gets rid of all odor and germs. And, I must say, the SaniSolution smells very nice and leaves the granules smelling as good as new (or even better).

The urine and poop are transferred into the toilet together. So not only do the dirty water and SaniSolution get transferred to the toilet to be flushed, but cat’s solid waste does as well.

3. The Drying Cycle

The final stage of the cleaning process is drying the wet granules . Of course, some liquid is left–behind after the previous step. But the granules need to be completely dry in order to be properly used.

The granules are dried using hot air that blows from the CatGenie drier. The container with the granules rotates, making sure all granules get exposed to the same amount of hot air .

The scent of the UniSolution spreads throughout the room as it evaporates from the granules and I personally like that very much, as it is a very pleasant smell.

3. What Comes Along With The Litter Box Itself?


Apart from the automatic litter box , you will receive:

1. Sani Solution Cartridge

The Sani Solution is a cat–safe cleaning solution that has the goal of getting rid of the germs and odors and sanitizing the granules.

For a single–cat household, one cartridge lasts about 3–4 months. It has to be inserted into the processing unit before the use of this litter robot .

2. Washable, Plastic Granules

These granules are similar to traditional cat litter, but do not have the annoying (and harmful) side effect of dust. These granules are very comfortable for the cat and are non–absorbing.

One box of these washable granules should last 5–6 months for a single–cat home.

The granules never need to be fully replaced but rather, from time to time, some extra granules need to be added in. This is because a small amount of granules are constantly being removed by the scooping arm. You will know when to add more granules because you will notice when the granule level is low.

One important note is that the granules are septic– safe.

3. Genie Hand

Genie hand is the scooper that gets rid of the cat’s solid waste , as well as aid in the cleaning process .

4. Optional Accessories

Optional accessories are:

🐾 sidewalls

🐾 a cat dome

🐾 a door

🐾 a mat

All of these serve the purpose of preventing granules scattering around the litter box. Sidewalls raise the edge of the box, while the dome completely covers the entire litter box. The door is used with the dome in order to completely close the space. The mat is there to trap the spilled granules.

Personally, I have only used the sidewalls and the mat, as one of my cats hates enclosed spaces so I knew it would not work for her.

4. Assembly

In general, the installation of this automatic litter box is simple. It does not need a million pieces to be put together so it is very straight–forward.

It can be a challenge if you’re not familiar with assembling things. In some cases where the installation process is not simple (where hook–ups are not standard, for example), or you don’t want to risk doing it yourself, don’t hesitate to call for help or even hire a plumber to do it for you.

If you encounter no significant issues, the assembly can be completed in 15 minutes.

First, you must consider where you’re going to put the Cat Genie . The room has to have:

🐾 a cold water supply , a water line from the sink, toilet, or washing machine

🐾 a toilet or a laundry drain pipe for cat waste removal

🐾 an electrical outlet

As you can see, two rooms fit the requirements – bathroom and laundry room .

How Do You Hook-Up The Entire System?

🐾 Connect the drain hose to the toilet or the washer drain.

🐾 Connect the hose to the cold water line (that is shared with the toilet or the washing machine )

🐾 Plug into the electric outlet (it is supposed to be a 120–Volt AC outlet)

5. It Is Programmable


The Cat Genie works in a way that the cleaning process can be programmed to fit your cat’s needs. What do I mean by that?

This litter robot can be used in three modes:

Manual Mode

In Manual Mode, you’re the one to press a button and the cleaning cycle starts. For the AI litter robot , there is an App from which you can use the manual mode.

Time Activation Mode

In this mode, you set up the time where you want the litter box to be automatically cleaned.

It can be set to be cleaned 1–4 times a day at a set time.

Cat Activation Mode

In this mode, the cleaning process starts each time the litter robot detects the cat has finished using the litter box.

You’re the one to decide which mode works best for your cat and you. It depends on how many kitties you have running around your house, how often they use it, and in which time periods they tend to use it.

6. Size

It’s important to say that this automatic litter box is quite big. It’s not something that can just be easily put anywhere in the bathroom or laundry room .

In order to be more specific, let me put the dimensions and weight of both models of the Cat Genie .

Cat Genie 120 Cat Genie AI
Length 24.5 inches 19.25 inches
Width 19.25 inches 17.5 inches
Height 21 inches 21 inches
Weight: 26 pounds 35 pounds

7. Price Of The Cat Genie and Recurring Costs

The CatGenie 120 model is less expensive compared to the AI model, which can be expected.

I’m not going to lie – both litter robots are very expensive, compared to the standard $30 clay litter box. But this is nothing like a plastic litter box, so the price is expectedly much higher.

You can check the price of Cat Genie 120 and Cat Genie AI on Amazon .

After you get the Cat Genie , there are some recurring costs. You will have to occasionally restock your plastic granules and sani solution .

8. Maintenance

This automatic litter box is very low maintenance.

This is what you can expect to need to do:

🐾 You occasionally need to clean dust from the outer surfaces(as any surface in your home).

🐾 The duct into which the scooper disposes solid cat poop needs to be cleaned.

🐾 The water sensor also needs to be cleaned occasionally, as it can possibly suffer some dirt build–up.

🐾 The maintenance cartridge can become dirty due to the presence of lime in the water. The CatGenie Maintenance Cartridge needs to be put into its processing unit and you simply press Start.

🐾 It is recommended that the entire Cat Genie is disassembled and thoroughly cleaned once or twice a year.

7 Main Pros Of The Cat Genie Litter Box

Now that you know the basics of how this automatic litter box is used and its components, let’s talk about the main benefits of using this automatic litter box .


1. No More Scooping And Discarding Litter For You

Are you tired of cleaning regular litter boxes ? I mean …it’s not the worst job in the world, but it’s also not the one I get excited about doing. Cleaning feces and clumping litter is not my favorite part of the day and automatic litter boxes completely take this daily task off my hands.

Cat Genie makes owning a cat litter–free and scoop–free which some cat owners might particularly enjoy.

I certainly did and I do not miss cleaning cat poo for one second!

2. Your Cat Will Always Have A Clean Litter Box

One amazing thing about Cat Genie is that your cat does not have to wait for you to clean its litter box. In fact, you will never have to clean your cat’s litter box again if you decide to use Cat Genie.

Considering you can set the cleaning mode to Cat Activated Mode , your cat’s automatic litter box will start the cleaning process after it has detected that the cat left the box. So 40 minutes after your cat has used the litter box, it will be perfectly clean for your cat to use it again.

3. It Is 100% Dust Free (Amazing For People With Asthma And Allergies)

The litter used in Cat Genie is not like traditional litter. This litter is made of plastic and, as you might have already concluded, there is absolutely no dust associated with it.

Dust is a major disadvantage of most traditional cat litters and many people with allergies and asthma have huge issues with it.

I am sure this product will work amazingly for people for whom dust–inhalation poses a serious health issue.

4. The Washable Granules Are Very Comfortable For Your Cat

You might think that the granules might be a bit hard and uncomfortable because they’re made of plastic. But that’s certainly not the case. I’ve never noticed my cats having any issues with the granules and I’ve never read any complaints from customers about the granules being uncomfortable for their cat(s).

So don’t worry, your cat will have no issues with the plastic granules used by CatGenie.

5. It’s Eco–Friendly

The manufacturer really made sure that the product is eco-friendly. For example:

🐾 Bacteria easily breaks down the granules that end up in the septic tank – they are biodegradable

🐾 All cartridges are recycled

🐾 The Cat Genie uses minimal amount of electricity and water (especially the AI model)

6. The Drying Phase Releases A Pleasant, Laundry-Like Scent

Sani solution is a cleaning solution that has a very pleasant smell (there is also a fragrance-free option). So after the granules have been submerged in it and the drying phase starts, the remaining sani solution evaporates, filling the room with a fresh laundry–like smell.

I think this has been one of the main benefits of this product for me. I am big on maintaining a pleasant smell throughout the entire house, so this worked out really well for me.

7. There Are Some Convenient Accessories For The Cat Genie

a) The AI Model Has Its Own App

The Cat Genie AI automatic litter box can be controlled via a phone–installed App. For example, you can see at what times your cat used the litter box, control when the cleaning cycles take place, and check the supply levels of the Cat Genie .

b) It Has Sidewalls

Sidewalls can be installed onto the walls of the litter box, which provide extra height. It is a good option if your cat scatters a few granules when they use the litter box.

c) There Is A GenieDome

The dome has the goal of preventing granules from spilling out of the litter box. If your cat is a messy litter box–user, this might be perfect for you.

There is also an option for the dome to have a door, which is especially useful because it saves electricity during the drying cycle . The hot air does not simply leave the litter box, but rather it recirculates within the litter box covered by the dome.

7 Possible Drawbacks


Not everything can be perfect, right? So far, I’ve only been talking about how Cat Genie works and its benefits.

But considering I have been using Cat Genie for some time now, I did notice some drawbacks. Let me tell you something about them too, as I think it’s really important that you know EVERYTHING you can about it before investing in something this expensive.

1. Having One Cat Genie Might Not Be The Best Option For Multi–Cat Homes

If you have a lot of kitties running around your home and only one Cat Genie, I don’t think this will work very well for you.

Why am I saying this?

Imagine having six cats using one Cat Genie. That would result in the CatGenie working and cleaning itself non–stop. And the process of cleaning is not a quick one – it takes about 40 minutes for this automatic litter box to clean itself.

That would surely result in one or more cats needing to use the Cat Genie, but not be able to do so because it is in the process of cleaning itself . Also, having this automatic litter box running all day means more electricity and water being used.

The manufacturer recommends one Cat Genie for every two or three cats. That could solve the “wanting to go but not being able to” problem for your cat(s).

But having multiple Cat Genies required a significant amount of money to be spent, considering the high price of the litter boxes, as well as recurrent costs of the sani solution and the granules.

2. It’s Odor Control Is Not Good At Certain Phases

The biggest issue I’ve encountered is when the scooping arm does not scoop out every piece of solid waste . Of course, it’s impossible for the scooper to get rid of all the poop particles 100% of the time.

So what does this mean?

This means that some poop particles remain within the pellet to be dried.

You can only imagine what happens next – hot air blowing onto the poop and the smell spreading all over the room. It’s gross, to say the least. And, as I mentioned, unpleasant odors are a big issue for me, so this is by far the biggest drawback of this product, in my opinion.

A fan needs to be turned on or windows must be left open in order for the smell to leave the bathroom or the laundry room . Leaving a fan on or the window open 24/7 is not a good option.

3. Some Complain It Is Noisy


The self– cleaning process of the Cat Genie is a bit noisy. But it all depends on you – whether you mind it or not.

Personally, I don’t mind the noise as it is not so loud. If I close the door of the room, I could barely hear it when it was cleaning itself.

But I’ve read some reviews where people absolutely hated how loud it was, so I guess it all comes down to how tolerant you are of the noise.

4. Its Relatively Small Size

The Cat Genie is not a good option for larger cat breeds due to its dimensions. Even the manufacturer states that it’s made for smaller and medium–sized cats.

I guess it makes sense to make a product that is suitable for many customers due to its size. If the product was made to fit larger cat breeds, I don’t think many people would choose it because it would simply take up way too much space in the room.

5. Tracking And Scattering Is Present To A Certain Degree

The plastic granules are small and very lightweight. What does that mean for you?

It means the granules are extremely easy to get thrown up in the air and outside of the box by your cat. This can be an issue if your cat is prone to scattering litter everywhere.

This issue can be solved by using the sidewalls or the dome that are extra accessories that can be used with the litter box.

But then again, it’s not a good option if your cat hates enclosed spaces as one of my cats does. So for me, the dome was not an option. I got the GenieMat that can be placed in front of the litter box to catch the granules that leave the Cat Genie .

6. Its Main Power Supply Cable Is Short

I’m sure this can be an issue to some owners, and the manufacturer does not recommend using an extension cord with it. It is a potential safety hazard, so it’s understandable that they don’t recommend using the two together.

I was lucky enough to have a power outlet at the perfect spot, so It was not an issue for me, but that won’t necessarily be the same for other cat owners.

Why didn’t they make it longer? I don’t know…

7. The ”Wet Paw Issue”

Let’s say one cat uses the Cat Genie , and, shortly after, another cat uses the litter box. The plastic granules are non–absorbing, so the urine is not trapped by the granules and it certainly does not immediately drain away from the granules. So, what can happen?

Essentially, the second cat might use the litter box and step in the urine of the first cat. That leaves the second cat with wet paws. And, of course, urine paw marks on your furniture is a huge no–no.

But, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t see a lot of people online complaining about it, so I don’t think it is the biggest potential issue this product has.

A Quick Summary & The Final Verdict


Now that I’ve finished writing about how this self-washing automatic litter box works, its pros, and its cons, what would my final opinion be?

In my case, both Cat Genies worked really nicely. This is not to say that they don’t have their drawbacks. I think the biggest issue for me was when the scoop does not get rid of all the cat poop , and then some pieces proceed to be dried with hot air . The smell is terrible, as you can imagine. Luckily, that does not happen often.

But enough about my experience, what about you.. how will you know if this product suits you nor not?

Cat Genie Is A Good Option…

🐾 If you never want to see real cat litter again

🐾 If you’re tired of cleaning cat poop daily

🐾 If you’re tired of disposing your cat’s waste every single day

🐾 If you want a self–cleaning litter box that will enable you to never clean another cat litter box again

🐾 If you have asthma or dust allergies

🐾 If you have a cat older than six months (Cat Genie might be too high for kittens to use)

🐾 If you like eco–friendly products

🐾 If you’re a tech nerd (Cat Genie is kind of cool, don’t you think?)

🐾 If you would like to control the litter box via an App (then Cat Genie AI is perfect for you)

If you decide on trying out this product yourself, I still recommend leaving your old litter box nearby in case your cat does not even want to come close to the Cat Genie for some reason.

Cat Genie Might Be A Bad Option…


🐾If your cat is a large cat, such as Maine Coon

🐾 If you don’t have a large bathroom or laundry room

🐾 If you don’t have a free electrical outlet in the room where the Cat Genie is supposed to be

🐾 If you don’t want to deal with installing it yourself or calling a plumber to do it

🐾 If you don’t want to be obligated to flush the water in your toilet after each cleaning

🐾 If you hate noise and prefer peace and quiet

🐾 If you know your cats will be scared of it (the cleaning phase to be more specific)

🐾 If you’re not ready to spend that much money on a litter box

So Do I Recommend It?

At the end of the day, whether this product will work well for your kitty and you depends on… well your kitty and you.

I’ve read customer reviews from people that have been using Cat Genie ever since it came onto the market and swear by it. On the other hand, I’ve also read reviews from people that got this product but had gotten rid of it in a week.

Personally, I am aware of the drawbacks, but I’m still leaning towards the “satisfied customer” side. I mean, the Cat Genie 120 worked good enough that I’ve gotten the AI model as well.

I recommend you read this article once again and investigate some more about this product and then conclude if you’re willing to invest in it or not.

But yeah, I do recommend it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does The CatGenie Actually Work?


Yes, it surely does. The manufacturer has been dedicated to developing the Cat Genie for almost two decades now.

It works amazingly for some people, while it does not work so well for others. But generally speaking, Cat Genie does actually work. It is a self–cleaning, self-flushing automatic litter box that gets rid of the hassle of cleaning your cat’s waste .

How Long Does A CatGenie Last?

There really isn’t a definitive answer to this question. It all depends on how well you maintain it. If you maintain it regularly and follow the Maintenance Guide from the manufacturer, I’m sure it will last you for a long time.

Why Does My CatGenie Stink?

There are a couple of possible reasons why your litter robot stinks. It might be due to clogging of the litter box with cat hairs , cat waste, or just mineral build up from the water.

Try disassembling it and searching for the exact cause of the bad smell and clean it thoroughly.

What Is The CatGenie Warranty?

Cat Genie comes with a two- year warranty and a 90–day money–back guarantee.

So if any part of the litter box is proven to be faulty due to the manufacturing process, they will replace it free of charge.

If you’re not happy with the product for some reason, you can get a full refund if you decide to return the product within 90 days of the purchase.

Why Does The CatGenie Take So Long To Clean?

It’s because the washing phase and drying phase take some time to be completed efficiently. The washing phase is not a one–step process. The water and the cleaning solution are filled up and rinsed a couple of times. Only then do the pellets begin to be dried. And the drying itself is not a quick process, considering that the quantity of pellets to be dried is not a small one.

Is The CatGenie Worth The Price?

The Cat Genie self-washing cat box can be worth the price for some, while not for others. It all depends on the experience of a specific user. There is no universal answer to this.

In Conclusion


Cat Genie is the world’s first self-washing and self-flushing automatic litter box that is designed to make life easier for all cat owners using it. And it does exactly that – it removes the cleaning up your cat’s waste obligation away from you, which is a great option for those cat owners that simply do not want to deal with cleaning a litter box ever again.

This product has its benefits and its drawbacks. For example, it is scoop-free, dust–free (which is a lifesaver for people with asthma and/or dust allergies), the granules are comfortable, you can buy some scatter–proof accessories and it’s eco–friendly.

But on the other hand, it does not suit larger cat breeds, it is noisy, doesn’t have the most efficient odor control at times, and its price is a bit on the higher end.

There are many Cat Genie reviews you can read online but, at the end of the day, there is no way of knowing if it will work well for your cat and you unless you actually try it.

I genuinely hope this article has described this product well and has cleared some potential doubts that you had. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of an automatic litter box (they really are a lifesaver)!

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