There is one thing that everyone needs to understand – cats and other pets are lifetime companions.
We are all they have, so abandoning them at any point in their life should never be an option, especially not when they reach senior age and their health begins to decline.
Sadly, that was exactly what happened to a gorgeous senior black-and-white feline named Lady.
After years of living with her family, they dumped her at a Baltimore shelter for a shocking reason.

Lady is a 20-year-old cat who was surrendered to BARCS Animal Shelter in Baltimore, Maryland.
Wanna hear the most heartbreaking part? The reason for leaving her at the shelter was because she had a few accidents outside the litter box.
A responsible family would have first consulted a vet to determine the underlying cause of these accidents. However, for Lady’s family, it was much easier to just surrender her to someone else.

At the shelter, Lady was scared and confused – for a reason. She had a home and a family all her life, and suddenly, she was in an unknown place, surrounded by strangers.
Fortunately, those strangers were kind-hearted humans who didn’t turn a blind eye to Lady.
After a thorough examination, it turned out that Lady was having accidents outside the litter box for a reason. The vets discovered Lady was almost completely blind and in the early stages of renal failure.
Her condition made it difficult for her to reach the litter box in time. However, what she needed wasn’t abandonment but professional help. In the end, she received both.

After everything she had endured, all Lady deserved was a loving home to spend her final days. The shelter staff shared in an interview:
“After a lifetime of being a loyal and loving pet, she belongs in a home and with a family to prove to her that love is not conditional and to show her that even though she is sick, she is deserving of someone who will love her until her very last day.”

The shelter wasted no time in finding a perfect home for Lady, so they posted a picture on Facebook with the caption:
“She’s alone, missing her home, scared, confused, and wondering what she did to end up here. Where did her family go, when will they be back to get her? Where is her soft bed, and all of her favorite sun spots? No pet deserves to spend the end of their life in a shelter kennel—Lady needs an angel to save her.”
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Lady to capture someone’s heart. A veterinary tech, Rebekah Carlyle, came across Lady’s post and instantly fell in love. Lady reminded her of her late cat Minnie, and she thought they were destined to meet.

Rebekah adopted a 20-year-old cat named Minnie from BARCS, and just four months later, she passed away from renal failure.
After seeing Lady’s post, she found herself in the same situation once again. Without hesitation, Rebekah contacted the shelter and went with her family to adopt her. She said:
“The second I saw her, I lost it. I put my hand in the cage, and she sniffed me then let me scratch her. Lady was going home with her forever family, who will love her unconditionally.”
Upon arriving at her new home, Lady was a bit nervous. However, she quickly adjusted to her new surroundings thanks to her lovely human mom and the rest of the family.

Rebekah and her family instantly provided Lady with a specific diet for kidney health, and supplements to help with the arthritis in her back legs. Rebekah added:
“I am so happy to be able to help another, I feel like I owe it to Minnie. They didn’t deserve to be thrown away after 20 years of the only thing they’ve ever known.”
Despite many complications during her old days, what matters most is that Lady is in the right hands, with a family that will ensure her golden days are as comfortable and loving as possible.
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