Foster Mom Comes To The Rescue Of Underweight Kitten, Saving Her At The Very Last Moment

tiny kitten and woman

Kitten season in Louisiana is a chaotic and wonderful time. Heather, a foster mom living near New Orleans, experiences this every year. 

It’s a time filled with tiny kittens, each one a bundle of cuteness and vulnerability. But with all that cuteness comes a sad truth – not every kitten makes it through their first few weeks.

However, this story isn’t about heartbreak, though. It’s about the little victories and the amazing stories of survival. 

So, meet Ducky, a brave little kitten named after Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard from NCIS (because, apparently, even kittens can enjoy a good crime show!).

skinny kitten
Source: Instagram

Ducky came to Heather’s foster home with her siblings, who were all named after adorable birds: Robin, Raven, Wren, and Crow. 

They were all adorable and unique, but Ducky was the smallest, a delicate little thing trying hard to put on weight. While her siblings grew round and playful, Ducky stayed worryingly tiny.

gray kitten with blue eyes
Source: Instagram

Without hesitation, Heather dedicated herself completely to taking care of the delicate newborns.

She spent her time bottle-feeding them, making sure they stayed warm, and cleaning up after their constant messes. As she shared on her Instagram:

“Robin, Raven, Wren, Crow, and Ducky are all certified cutie patooties and I love them so much. Everyone is gaining weight except for little Ducky. She’s been maintaining for the past few days even though she has been eating, pottying, and acting just fine. For now I’ll continue to keep an eye on her. I’m hopeful she’ll start to gain again.”

sweet skinny kitten
Source: Instagram

It was a tough job that took a lot out of her, both physically and emotionally. Each day brought new challenges, but also the chance for something amazing to happen.

As the weeks passed, Heather became more and more worried. Ducky wasn’t doing well at all, and the thought of losing her weighed heavily on Heather’s heart. This little creature was fighting for her life, and Heather felt powerless to help her.

cute gray kitten
Source: Instagram

So, not knowing what else to do, she decided to reach out online again, connecting with the foster community and animal lovers everywhere.

“Ducky is still TEENY TINY. Everyone has beautiful poops and perfect round little tummies. Ugh, I love what I do, even though sometimes it almost rips my heart out. Thank you to everyone who’s been so supportive, you have no idea how much it means to me when I’m running on E and wondering what I’ve gotten myself into.”

woman and tiny kitten
Source: Instagram

Believe it or not, the response was incredible. People from all over the internet flooded in with messages of love and support, creating a virtual wave of hope for Ducky. 

Then, something truly amazing happened. The very next day, there was a sign of progress. Ducky had gained a few pounds! It might not sound like a lot, but in the tiny kitten world, every pound is super important. 

adorable gray kitten
Source: Instagram

Heather continued to share Ducky’s journey online, with her updates filled with relief and growing excitement. 

“Ducky weighed in this morning at 280 grams!!! That’s 5 grams heavier than her heaviest recorded weight. Keep the good vibes comin, y’all. Three cheers for Ducky!!”

very cute gray kitten
Source: Instagram

Ducky clearly wasn’t ready to give up. She had a fighting spirit and a strong will to survive. 

Maybe it was the love and care from Heather, maybe it was all the good vibes from the online community, or maybe it was just the natural spirit of a kitten – but whatever it was, it was definitely making a difference.

woman holding a cute gray kitten
Source: Instagram

Over the next few days, Ducky went through a big change. Heather even started calling her “Chunky Ducky!”

She went from being a weak little thing to a lively and playful cat, and it was so much fun to watch her antics.

By the end of the month, she was doing great. It was hard to believe she had once been so small and fragile when you saw how much she had grown and played. 

tiny gray kitten
Source: Instagram

Heather felt so thankful for Ducky’s strength, the help from the online community, and the wonderful chaos of kitten season.

I just love this little fighter who beat the odds and I’m so grateful to the amazing people who supported her. 

Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of love and positive energy to make a difference. And, truly, who could resist a little kitten named Ducky?

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