What’s Up With Those Adorable Feline Biscuits? Here Are 9 Reasons Why Cats Knead!

cat making biscuits

Good news for all of you cat owners and cat lovers – cat kneading is perfectly normal… and also adorable! This is just another thing to add to your list of odd cat behaviors.

Most of us have surely seen (or felt) a kitty’s paws stretch out and make movements as if they’re little bakers kneading dough to make bread.

Unfortunately, they won’t be able to help you in the kitchen – they are doing it purely for their own pleasure!

Here, we present you with a couple of answers to the question Why do cats make biscuits?

1. Cats Knead When They Are Relaxed

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Isn’t this the best reason ever? Every pet parent’s dream is to see their animal happy, comfortable, and at ease, and kneading is a sure sign of just that.

Cats have a variety of ways to express how they feel or what they need, and kneading is one of the sweetest ways they communicate with us.

When you see your cat kneading, it typically means they are feeling safe, relaxed, and content in their environment. This behavior is often accompanied by a gentle purr, adding to the cozy, peaceful scene.

It’s not unusual for your cat to knead right before curling up for a nap, as it’s part of their comfort ritual. Watching them knead is a beautiful moment, as it’s a sign they’re completely at ease with you.

If your cat chooses to knead on your lap, you’re in for an extra treat – it’s their special way of showing affection and trust. When they do this, they’re saying, “I love you” in the sweetest, most heartwarming way.

It’s a sign of their bond with you, a bond built on love and comfort. So, the next time your cat kneads, take a moment to cherish this simple, beautiful gesture.

2. It’s Making Them Feel Better When Anxious

On the other hand, kneading is also a form of stress relief for cats, especially when they’re feeling anxious or uneasy. This comforting behavior helps them calm down, providing a sense of security when they’re dealing with stress.

It’s like their own coping mechanism that helps them feel more relaxed and in control of their emotions. When a cat kneads, it’s almost like they’re trying to comfort themselves, similar to how a child might cuddle with a favorite blanket or stuffed animal.

However, if your cat is making biscuits on your lap with their claws extended, it might not feel the most comfortable for you. But don’t worry – keeping their claws trimmed and surrounding yourself with soft, cozy blankets can help make it more pleasant.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never punish your cat for kneading. Punishing them for this natural behavior can actually make their anxiety worse, leading to even more stress.

Instead, embrace the moment and show them that you understand this is just their way of feeling better and safe in your presence.

3. They Are Marking Their Territory

If you’ve spent time with a cat, you’ve probably noticed that they’re naturally territorial creatures. It’s in their instincts, whether they’re wild or domesticated.

Cats love to leave their scent everywhere, and kneading is just one of the ways they do this. When your cat kneads, they’re actually marking their territory, and it’s not just for the fun of it – it serves an important purpose.

Cats have scent glands located on their paws and around their face. As they knead, they press their paws into a soft surface, releasing pheromones from the glands in their paw pads.

So, why do cats do this? The scent left behind serves a dual purpose: it marks the object or person as safe and familiar, providing comfort to the cat, and it’s also a way of sending a message to other cats that says, “This is mine!”

It’s their way of claiming ownership and establishing a sense of security in their space. You can think of it like how dogs mark their territory with urine, but this method is much cleaner and, let’s be honest, way cuter.

So, the next time your cat starts kneading away, remember, it’s not just about comfort—it’s their way of saying that they feel safe and at home with you. It’s their way of marking their territory in the sweetest way possible.

4. They Are Stretching

We all know that cats spend a good chunk of their day sleeping, sometimes up to 16 hours or more! So when you ask, “Why do cats make biscuits?” the answer could be a simple one – they just need a good stretch!

If you’ve ever watched your cat, you’ve probably seen them stretch out their paws in front of them, their lower back rising upward in that signature stretching pose. While that might be their favorite stretch, it’s certainly not the only one they do.

Making biscuits, or kneading, can actually be considered a type of exercise for your cat. It’s a natural stretch that helps them get their muscles moving and increases blood flow to the muscles and brain.

When cats sleep for long periods, their blood pressure drops and metabolic toxins start to build up in their body. This is where kneading comes in – it’s their way of waking up their body, getting their muscles and brain going again.

Kneading not only helps increase their blood pressure but also boosts lymph circulation, which helps flush out toxins and rejuvenates their system. It’s a healthy, instinctive way for cats to re-energize after a nap.

It feels good, too – just like how stretching makes us feel more refreshed. So, next time your cat is kneading, remember they’re not just showing affection – they’re also doing a little exercise to get their body moving and ready to take on whatever comes next.

5. Female Cats Announcing They Are Ready For Mating

Female cat kneading is actually a pretty normal behavior, especially when she’s “in heat,” meaning she’s fertile and ready for mating.

During this time, you might notice some changes in her behavior, like purring, meowing more than usual, acting agitated, or rubbing against furniture. She may also start grooming herself more frequently, all signs that her body is preparing for mating.

Kneading during this period can be quite common, and it’s often observed when the female cat is lying on her side with her little paws up in the air, happily making biscuits.

This adorable behavior can be a sign of both comfort and readiness, and it’s easy to spot if you’re paying attention.

If you see this behavior in an unneutered female cat, and you don’t want kittens running around your house, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on her. You’ll want to watch for any attention from your neighbor’s male cat, as they may be attracted to her behavior.

So, while kneading is a sweet and comforting act, it’s also a clear signal that your cat may be in heat and looking to mate. Keeping track of this can help you prevent unexpected litter and ensure your cat’s health and comfort.

6. They’re Reliving Kittenhood

cat touching owner's face

Kneading is an instinctive behavior that cats carry with them from their early kittenhood, and it’s deeply rooted in their experiences with their mother. When kittens are nursing, they instinctively knead their mother’s belly to stimulate the milk flow.

This repetitive motion not only helps ensure they get enough nourishment but also serves as a comforting act that makes them feel safe, secure, and nurtured in their mother’s care.

Even as adult cats, they continue to knead when they’re feeling secure and relaxed. It’s as if they’re subconsciously revisiting a time when their biggest concerns were simply getting fed, feeling loved, and being close to their mother.

So, when your adult cat starts making biscuits, it’s not just a cute behavior; they might be mentally retreating to a time when they were completely cared for.

It’s their way of reliving a moment when everything in their world felt right, making it even more meaningful when your cat chooses to knead on your lap or beside you.

By allowing them to engage in this comforting behavior, you’re helping recreate that sense of emotional security that they cherish.

7. It’s A Sign Of Playfulness

Kneading can sometimes be linked to your cat’s playful nature, particularly when they’re in a good mood and feeling full of energy.

When cats knead, they often extend their paws outward and engage in a sort of “workout” for their paws, as if they’re actively stretching or preparing for some playful activity.

This behavior can actually be a sign that your cat is in a lighthearted mood and ready to have some fun.

It’s common for cats to knead on soft objects like blankets, pillows, or stuffed toys. When they knead in these situations, it’s like they’re trying to “play” with the object, exploring it with their paws in the same way they might use their claws to bat at a toy.

If you notice your cat kneading when they’re feeling frisky or playful, it’s a wonderful sign that they’re having fun and are in a carefree, positive state of mind.

Just like how some cats chase after a laser pointer or pounce on a toy, kneading can be another form of enjoyment, a playful activity that brings them a sense of satisfaction.

When your cat kneads in this way, it’s a sweet reminder that cats, just like people, enjoy moments of happiness and fun, and kneading is simply one of the ways they share that with the world around them.

8. They’re Trying To Show You Affection

Kneading is one of the most heartfelt ways that cats show affection, not just toward objects but also toward their human companions.

When your cat kneads on your lap, arms, or chest, it’s much more than a simple behavior, it’s a loving gesture that signifies trust, comfort, and a deep bond between you and your furry friend.

Cats often reserve kneading for moments when they’re feeling particularly close to someone, making it a special and meaningful way of showing affection. For cats, kneading is like a love language they use to express their feelings of safety and care.

When a cat kneads on you, it’s a sign that they see you as an integral part of their world, someone they can rely on for comfort and love. This behavior is often accompanied by purring, which adds an extra layer of warmth and affection to the moment.

If your cat chooses you as their kneading target, consider it a real compliment. It means that you’ve earned their trust and affection. Cats don’t just knead on anyone – they save this special behavior for those they’re most comfortable with.

So, the next time your cat curls up on your lap and starts making biscuits, take it as a beautiful reminder of the unique bond you share.

9. They’re Showing Off Their Smarts

Kneading can also be a sign of your cat’s intelligence and problem-solving abilities. While most people associate kneading with relaxation or affection, it can also serve as a way for cats to engage their minds.

When cats knead, they are interacting with their environment in a methodical, repetitive manner, which can be linked to how they explore and understand the world around them.

Cats are naturally curious and intelligent creatures, and kneading might be a way for them to explore textures, scents, and even the energy of the space they’re in. In a way, it’s an exercise for their brain.

The rhythmic motion of kneading can stimulate their minds, much like how humans engage in activities like fidgeting or doodling to help them focus or process their thoughts.

It’s like a form of mental stimulation, a way for them to gather information and assess the comfort and safety of their surroundings.

In some cases, cats might knead before engaging in a more complex task, like hunting or problem-solving. It’s a subtle, yet smart way of preparing themselves mentally and emotionally for what comes next.

So, kneading is not just a physical action – it’s an expression of your cat’s cleverness and ability to process the world around them.


What Does The Word “Biscuits“ Mean?

Let’s clear some things up for those that are not so familiar with this concept. Sorry to break it to you – no real biscuits are made here.

There are cat biscuits that are given to cats as a treat, but we are not talking about those right now.

Here, we are thinking of imaginary biscuits that our cats are making while doing this specific paw-stretching movement (please check out some videos of it – it is so charming!).

Where Do Cats “Make Biscuits“?


Cat paws are “fussy” when it comes to this special motion – they do not tolerate hard surfaces, but prefer soft objects or surfaces to knead.

If you are lucky, that soft surface will not be your skin. Most of us know from experience that a scratch from your cat’s nails is not the most pleasant feeling.

Soft blankets and pillows for cat kneading are the preferable option for both you and your cat.

What Is The Purpose Of A Cat Making Biscuits?

The purpose of this behavior can be for your cat to simply show its happiness.

It may also mean your cat is announcing she is ready for mating, or trying to self-soothe to get rid of anxiety by doing a movement that reminds them of kittenhood.

Other common reasons are to mark the territory or simply to stretch.

Is There A Right Way To Knead?

This feline behavior is seen in domestic cats and, surprisingly, in wild cats too! Of course, cat kneading does not have to look the same for every cat.

Some cats have their own style of doing it, so don’t be surprised if this movement includes all four paws too. Some cats knead more than others and that is okay too.

Is There A Thing As Too Much Kneading?

If you notice your cat spending a considerable amount of time doing this,or they seem to have any discomfort, you might want to visit an animal hospital or a vet for a quick check-up, just to make sure everything is okay.

Fortunately for all pet parents and lovers – stress-caused kneading behavior is not very common! Most of the time, cats knead when they are happy, not stressed.

In Conclusion…

There isn’t a single answer to “Why do cats make biscuits?”. Here I have listed the 9 most common reasons that may help explain why cats knead. Only you can tell which one applies to your situation.

You know your pets the best and, alongside proper pet care, all you can do is offer your love and affection and they will give it right back.

Enjoy your cat’s meows, purrs, and paw pads doing this strange and funny movement, as it generally means they are happy. What more can you ask?

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Why Do Cats Make Biscuits 5 Reasons Your Cat Is Kneading! Pinterest

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