Artist Puts Her Cat Into Iconic Paintings And The Results Are Priceless!

cat Bonaparte

Zarathustra is a chubby cat that seems to have an unusual affinity for art. His owner, Svetlana Petrova, nurtures his interest by integrating him into iconic historical artworks. 

Zarathustra was handed down to Svetlana by her late mother, and she has diligently cared for him ever since. Her latest project, named Fat Cat Art, cleverly references Zarathustra’s round physique.

Svetlana is undoubtedly skilled, but honestly, I feel Zarathustra might be the true artist in this equation…haha!

“I am just a humble assistant to His Furry Majesty who kindly allows me to use all my painting, photography, and Photoshop skills to insert his precious images into masterpieces of renowned artists of the past.”

This little endeavor gained widespread popularity on Imgur a few years back, amassing a staggering four million views. Given our collective affection for felines, we’ve compiled some of Svetlana’s photos for your enjoyment! 

Take a look below and let us know what you think of this fine feline art.

#1 Girl With A Pearl Earring

Girl With A Pearl Earring
Source: FatCatArt

#2 Freedom From Want

Freedom From Want
Source: FatCatArt

#3 The Maids Of Honor

The Maids Of Honor
Source: FatCatArt

#4 The Kiss (or should I say The Hiss

The Kiss (or should I say The Hiss) 
Source: FatCatArt

#5 The Scream

The Scream
Source: FatCatArt

#6 Sunflowers

Source: FatCatArt

#7 Bacchus

Source: FatCatArt

#8 Portrait of Gerard Andriesz Bicker 

Portrait of Gerard Andriesz Bicker 
Source: FatCatArt

#9 Straw Mannequin

Straw Mannequin
Source: FatCatArt

#10 Portrait Of An Unknown Woman In Russian Costume

Portrait Of An Unknown Woman In Russian Costume
Source: FatCatArt

#11 Portrait Of Catherine II

Portrait Of Catherine II
Source: FatCatArt

#12 The Tower Of Babel 

The Tower Of Babel 
Source: FatCatArt

#13 The Skating Minister

The Skating Minister
Source: FatCatArt

#14 Lady With An Ermine

Lady With An Ermine
Source: FatCatArt

#15 Liberty Leading The People

Liberty Leading The People
Source: FatCatArt

#16 The Kitchen Maid

The Kitchen Maid
Source: FatCatArt

#17 Whistler’s Mother

Whistler’s Mother
Source: FatCatArt

#18 American Gothic

American Gothic
Source: FatCatArt

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