Woman Dedicates $142,000 Annually To Transform Lives Of Rescue Cats

Silvana (Valentino) Locke spends $142,000 (or £90,000) on cats every year! She cares for abandoned cats, and her cost each year comes to a total of $142k.
She takes care of 122 abandoned cats, and to everyone’s surprise, her husband doesn’t mind at all!

Tony, the husband, is a cat lover as well, and he wholeheartedly supports her mission.
Silvana has rescued 122 cats up to now, and 52 of them are fortunate enough to reside with Silvana and Tony in their own home. The remaining cats live in nine purpose-built cat houses located in their garden and a nearby field.
Here’s what their family lunch looks like:

If you ask me, their home truly sends out an atmosphere of feline bliss. It’s like a cat haven over there!
And after years of tirelessly rescuing and helping abandoned cats, they named their property Romney House Cat Rescue.
They have been saving and helping cats for over 20 years, and their dedication has resulted in the organization obtaining an official license.

Silvana hired two full-time employees to help out, since many of these cats are still looking for forever homes. The weekly cost of their collective needs, including meals, litter, and other expenses for all cats, amounts to approximately $780.

Silvana shared how everyone always asks her whether she has a husband:
“Every man who comes to adopt a cat always asks, ‘Have you got a husband?’ They can’t believe anyone would tolerate all these cats.”
However, her cat-loving husband is really supportive of her and all she’s doing. But on the other hand, he also works a lot, so he doesn’t see everything that goes on around the house during the day.
“Luckily, Tony works long hours, so he doesn’t see all the work of caring for them.”

Out of the $142k cost a year, half of the money is contributed by Tony. And the other half comes from generous donations, charity, and fundraising initiatives.

Even with all these cats running out and about, Silvana manages to keep their home pretty clean.
“It takes about an hour and a half. We hoover and mop every bit of floor and furniture, it’s a long, exhausting job. All the time the phone is going with the people with cats that need to be rescued.”

They are doing their best to rescue every cat they get a phone call about. All donations and support mean the world to Silvana.
Grateful for the donations and encouragement, Silvana expressed her gratitude on their website, emphasizing that the contributions are crucial in their work:
“A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all our followers who support us with a monthly donation! You are amazing! We couldn’t do it without you.”
For those interested in witnessing a typical morning volunteering with them, here’s a video:
Furthermore, if you’re considering adopting a cat or a kitten, they currently have over 20 adorable felines of various ages eagerly awaiting a loving fur-ever home. Be sure to visit their website for more information.
What truly captivates me about this story, beyond the noble act of rescuing cats, is the unwavering faith and support Silvana received from her friends and family. Their belief in her has resulted in remarkable accomplishments.
I wholeheartedly wish for more individuals like Silvana and her family in this world.