The Stunning Blue Point Siamese Cat

blue point siamese cat looking at distance

The beautiful blue point Siamese cat is said to be the best variety of Siamese breed to match their beautiful blue eyes. Check out the blue point Siamese cat, the ideal cat for those looking for the adorable personality of the Siamese cat with a beautiful color mix. 

Although not as well-known as its seal point counterparts, the blue point Siamese cat is gaining popularity as more and more cat lovers are astonished by it. 

Keep reading and taking notes because this article will teach you all you need to know about the lovely blue point Siamese cat. Who knows, this may be your future pet!

What Kind Of Cat Is It?

Key Characteristics:
Average height:8 to 10 inches
Average weight:6 to 14 pounds
Temperament:Friendly, intelligent, vocal
Lifespan:15 to 20 years

The blue point Siamese cats are a diluted color variation of the Siamese cat breed. However, their color pattern is quite rare. 

They are not as rare as the flame point Siamese or as popular as the seal point Siamese, but this color variant has grown in popularity in recent years.

They are distinguished by blue point patterns on their face, legs, ears, and tail, and short, cold-toned fur.

You may argue that their appeal stems from their unusual appearance, but the blue Siamese cat has more than just looks. Their devotion, love, and sense of fun make these amiable felines make excellent family companions.

Are Blue Point Siamese Cats Super Rare?

Blue Point Siamese Cat laying on the bed

The blue point Siamese cat is not the rarest, but it is one of the rarest varieties of the Siamese cat breed. This is because their genetic composition is so complicated.

Although it is easy to say that blue Siamese cats come from seal point Siamese, the diluted gene plays an important, or better yet the most important, role in their appearance. This is where things become a little more difficult.

The fundamental issue is that the diluted gene is recessive in non-dilution individuals. As a result, a Siamese kitten will more likely be a seal-point than a blue-point. 

Although this gene is recessive, there is almost always a slight chance of producing beautiful blue point Siamese kittens. However, there is little likelihood of developing a blue point if none of the parent cats have the diluted gene. 

Still, the rarest Siamese colorpoint is the flame point. This color is extremely unusual in any cat breed, and even the most reputable breeders have difficulty producing flame-point Siamese kittens.

Info About Blue Point Siamese Cats

Blue Point Siamese Cat Exploring

About The Color

First and foremost, the Himalayan gene is the most essential and distinguishing trait in Siamese cats. This gene is primarily responsible for any point markings and partial albinism in Siamese cats. 

It’s also known as partial albinism since certain regions of the body have essentially no pigmentation. These sections, in particular, are warmer, as opposed to the point marks, which are cooler.

As their pigmentation is temperature sensitive, all Siamese variations are born white due to the temperature and warmth of their mother’s womb. Most kittens of the same breed have their coats change color as they get older. 

To put it in simpler words, a blue point Siamese is, as I already said, a diluted version of a seal point Siamese. The diluted gene is vital for developing them, so without it, it’s impossible.


Aside from their color, blue point Siamese cats share the same breed characteristics as the other color varieties. They are typically slim and have long bodies and are classified into two types: traditional (or apple) heads and wedge heads.

The classic blue point Siamese cats have a fairly rounded head, which gives the appearance of rounder eyes. Wedge-head blue points, on the other hand, have a more narrow head with sharper characteristics.

Their eyes are often almond-shaped and have different shades of blue. The skin of their snout or nose leather, as well as their paw pads, are all the same deep slate gray-blue color. 

These cats have medium-sized pointed ears and a tail nearly as long as the body, both with slate blue tips. Their short coat highlights the length and slenderness of their bodies. 

Their agility as household cats is best seen during playtime. Blue point Siamese cats achieve full maturity between the ages of 18 and 24 months. 

Males may weigh between 8 and 14 pounds, while females range between 6 and 13 pounds. Both genders will reach a height of 8 to 10 inches.

See also: The Rare Ragdoll Seal Lynx, Its Coat Patterns & Colors


Blue Point Siamese Cat sneaking around

Siamese cats are very sociable, loving, energetic, and friendly creatures. These cats are very lively and active; they adore their owners and love playing with them. 

Blue point Siamese cats are also highly sensitive, so it’s always better to spend time training them how to behave through positive reinforcement rather than scolding them when they misbehave.

Siamese cats are quite easy to train, and if you employ positive reinforcement (such as giving them yummy treats when they do something right), you will have a very well-behaved companion cat. 

Siamese cats are also incredibly loving, and they are known to follow their owners around the home in search of hugs and attention. Siamese cats, no matter their color, adore being cuddled and held, but they also want some alone time. 

This means it’s okay to leave them alone from time to time; they won’t become depressed. The most well-known trait of a Siamese cat’s personality is that they are chatty.

As I usually say, every cat is unique, but most Siamese cats like communicating with their owners. 

This does not mean that Siamese cats will always bother their owners with their meows; it just means that they can be more vocal than other cat breeds. However, every cat has its own personality, and some will only meow when necessary.


The Siamese breed has a short coat and doesn’t shed much, so they don’t need to be combed or groomed frequently. 

They do need their ears cleaned regularly, and combing them once a week is desirable. Sometimes, even brushing once every two weeks is sufficient for a beautiful, glossy coat.


You should provide high-quality, meat-based cat meals and consistently pay close attention to your Siamese cat’s diet.

Siamese cats are predisposed to obesity, so you have to monitor their food intake. You should keep track of how much your Siamese cat eats, especially if it is your first time taking care of a Siamese. 

Your vet will tell you how much food your cat needs every day, and you should follow that diet plan.

Exercise Requirements

Blue Point Siamese Cat with tongue out

Siamese cats are slightly smaller than most other domestic cat breeds, yet they are super active and energetic. They need a lot of play and several types of amusement. The Siamese is an extremely intelligent breed. 

These cats are eager to please their favorite owners, so it is very easy to train them. They can be taught to answer when you call their name, play fetch, and complete some other simple activities. 

Cat training, in this case, is very similar to training other pets, like dogs. When your cat accomplishes something you want and repeats it again, reward it with a treat. Continue doing this until your cat can perform the behavior without being rewarded. 

Also, look for methods of socialization for your cat. Siamese, even though they’re extremely friendly and sociable, sometimes won’t know how to react to new people or pets. 

Have your cat meet your friends’ pets, have family members and people of all ages over. This way, your cat will get accustomed to different people and animals.

Health Info

Siamese cats are generally a healthy breed. These cats can live for 15 to 20 years, depending on the cat’s quality of life, which includes the cat’s overall health, food quality, physical and mental activity, and various other factors.

Even though Siamese cats are a healthy breed, they can suffer from certain medical issues. Usually, Siamese cats are prone to:

• Amyloidosis – excessive buildup of proteins in the cat’s body.

• Hip dysplasia – a deformation of the hip joint.

• Feline hyperesthesia syndrome – cutaneous sensitivity in cats.

Progressive retinal atrophy – a condition that damages eye cells and eventually leads to blindness.

• Feline asthma – breathing difficulties accompanied by wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms.

• Respiratory problems – resulting from viral or bacterial infections.

• Cardiac problems – Siamese cats are predisposed to inherited and acquired heart problems.

Other Colorpoint Variations Possible In Siamese Cats

Siamese cat resting on the floor

Due to the development of the Siamese cat breed and selective breeding procedures, we now have Siamese cats in a variety of coat colors, ranging from classic to non-traditional. The colorpoint pattern is specific to the Siamese cat breed. 

The pattern highlights the cat’s face, ears, paws, and tail. This pattern is also unique to various other cat breeds, including Balinese, Ragdoll cats, Himalayan cats, and others. Cream body colors and the point pattern in various colors distinguish them. 

Variations include the seal point, silvery-blue point, cinnamon point, tabby point Siamese, cream point, lynx point Siamese, chocolate point Siamese, lilac point Siamese cat, or the rarest red/flame point. 

Read more about the main types and color variants of the Siamese cat breed in the 4 Main Types Of Siamese Cats That You Will Adore.

The Average Price Of Blue Point Siamese Kittens

The average price of blue point Siamese cats, or the Siamese breed in general, varies from $250 to $1000. However, they can cost more if you’re buying show-quality kittens and cats, all depending on the breeder and breed standards.

Read all about the prices, costs, and extra costs in Siamese Cat Price Range – This Is How Much They’re Worth.

Closing Thoughts

Blue point Siamese cats are remarkably smart, affectionate, and lively. However, some people may find them to be too vocal or too attached to their owners. Siamese cats, in general, are great with families, kids, and other pets.

No matter if you choose a tabby mix color or a blue point coat color, your Siamese will make a good pet. Light or dark brown colors are just colors, and in the case of choosing a Siamese for a pet, it’s just a matter of your personal preference.

When it comes to pet qualities, a Siamese cat is great, it just depends on how much time you have to be a cat owner.

Other than taking care of the cat’s health and grooming needs, you need to provide your Siamese with lots of cat toys, treats, playtime and cuddles, just like many other cat breeds. The amount of time you spend on your pet cat is what matters most.

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