Why Did My Cat Pee On Me? 9 Reasons + Solutions

If you’re a cat parent, you have probably experienced inappropriate urination from your cat. However, the way your cat urinates may tell you many things about how it feels.
Through their behavior and body language, cats actually show us how they feel and whether they’re satisfied or not.
For example, inappropriate urination (specifically your cat peeing on you), may indicate that your cat isn’t satisfied with its litter tray or that it is suffering from emotional or medical issues.
If you wonder why did my cat pee on me – read on to check out possible reasons for this cat behavior and find out how to stop it!
Why Did My Cat Pee On Me? What Does It Mean?

If you are asking why did my cat pee on me, this article provides you with information on several issues that may lead to this behavior.
Inappropriate urination, such as your cat peeing on you, peeing on the furniture, or peeing outside the litter box, is a sign that your cat has certain problems which need to be treated right away.
Cats communicate with their owners using different behaviors to tell them how they feel. As inappropriate urination isn’t acceptable or wanted behavior, you can immediately conclude that your cat isn’t feeling right and that it’s trying to tell you that.
So, if you want to know what may be the reason for this behavior, keep reading, and find out how you can help your furry friend feel better.
9 Issues That May Result In Your Cat Peeing On You

Here are 9 possible issues that may result in a cat peeing on you. Check them out, and hopefully, you’ll be able to find out what bothers your cat and how to solve that problem!
Issue No 1 – Litter Box Issues
A cat peeing on you may be due to litter box issues. As there are several problems that can be related to the cat litter box, I have explained each one of them separately. So, let’s see!
The Type Of Litter Box
The reason why your cat peed on you may be to show dissatisfaction with the type of litter box you have bought.
Cats will usually tell you when they’re not happy with something; however, some cats may pee randomly on the floor, some cats may pee on your clothes and similar things, and some may pee on you.
If your cat pees on you, it’s usually their way of telling you to react immediately. Different cats need different types of litter boxes.
For example, if you have a kitten, you should provide it with a smaller litter box, but later, when the kitten transforms into an adult cat, its litter box should be replaced with a bigger one.
Moreover, if you have a large cat breed, you’ll need a larger litter tray, so that your cat will be comfortable while peeing or pooping in there.
If you have a new cat friend, choosing the right litter box for it may be a bit complicated because you don’t know what your cat likes best.
Some cats like covered litter boxes, and some like open ones. The best thing to do is to test several litter boxes and let your cat choose the best one for itself.
The Type Of Cat Litter
If you recently introduced a new cat litter to your cat, which resulted in the cat peeing on you, then the problem is definitely related to the type of litter.
Just like litter boxes, every cat likes different litter. Most cats don’t like scented litters, even though they help you reduce the litter smell.
Therefore, you can try using unscented litter and check out different ways of reducing the smell of cat litter in your home.
Moreover, many cats like clumping litter as it’s comfortable for them, especially if they have certain paw issues. Also, pay attention to how much litter you put in the box.
If you determine that your cat doesn’t like a particular type of litter, you should try several different types until you find one your kitty likes the most.
Additionally, you can also try alternative cat litter options as you may find something useful and affordable that your cat approves of.
The Litter Box Isn’t Clean

Every cat owner knows that cats like to be clean and to live in a clean environment. They won’t eat their food out of a dirty bowl or drink water if it’s not fresh.
It’s the same with the litter box; they won’t pee or poop in their litter box if it’s dirty, which may result in your cat peeing on you or somewhere else randomly.
In doing that, your kitty wants to inform you that you have a job to do, as they won’t use the box until you clean it.
So, to avoid this problem, you should clean your cat’s litter box regularly and change the litter often to reduce the odors that neither you nor your cat will like.
You can also provide your cat with a CatGenie so your cat will always have a clean litter box ready to use.
Issue No 2 – Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
One of the most common health issues in cats is urinary tract infection, and this issue may also be one of the reasons for inappropriate urination.
Because of that, whenever you notice that your cat has peed somewhere outside of the litter box, make sure that you monitor your cat and take it to the vet if you notice some of the following things:
• Your cat wants to use the litter box, but it cannot urinate
• Your cat meows loudly because it’s in pain while urinating
• Your cat frequently pees but only passes small amounts of urine
• Your cat is licking its genital area excessively
• Blood traces in the cat’s urine
Urinary issues such as this are more common for male cats than for female cats, especially those who don’t drink enough water. Therefore, you always have to provide your kitty with a fresh water source and encourage it to drink more water.
If you notice some of the previously mentioned symptoms, you should take your cat to the vet for an examination.
After determining the diagnosis, the vet will provide your cat with the appropriate treatment for the issue and may also recommend a special diet for your cat friend.
Issue No 3 – Loss Of Bladder Control

Sometimes, your cat doesn’t pee on you on purpose but as a result of a specific health issue.
So, if you’re cuddling with your cat or it’s just napping in your lap, and you suddenly notice your cat peeing on you, it may be that your cat has lost bladder control.
This incontinence issue is common in obese and older cats, and you shouldn’t blame them as they cannot control it. Instead, you should take them to the vet so that your kitty can be treated as soon as possible.
Therefore, if you have an overweight or an old cat, then loss of bladder control is the best explanation for your cat peeing on you. In that case, the vet will examine the cat carefully and provide it with appropriate treatments.
Issue No 4 – Other Medical Problems
Besides bladder issues, there are other medical problems that may cause incontinence in cats. Cats with these issues may often urinate outside of the litter box, or even on you, as they cannot hold the pee anymore.
Most common health problems that may cause incontinence are:
• Overactive bladder syndrome
• A mass causing pressure on the bladder
• Chronic inflammatory disease
• Lesions in the cat’s brain
• Lesions on the cat’s spinal cord
• Birth defects
• Underdevelopment of the bladder
All of these issues should be taken seriously, and they require special veterinarian help if you want to keep your feline friend healthy and allow it to pee properly again.
Another reason why your cat peed on you or somewhere else outside the litter box may be due to a specific medical condition – cognitive dysfunction. This condition is also referred to as cat dementia, and it may affect the cat’s brain while it ages.
If your cat suffers from dementia, its brain cells and nervous system don’t function as they did before. This may mean that your cat is losing its memory and cannot remember where it needs to pee; therefore, it ends up peeing in random places or even on you.
Most common symptoms that point to cognitive dysfunction in cats are:
• Lack of self-grooming
• Loss of appetite
• Anxiety
• Disorientation
• Changes in the cat’s habits
If you assume that your cat has cognitive dysfunction, it’s essential to take it to the vet and start with the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.
Issue No 5 – Marking The Territory

Cats can mark their territory in different ways, and one of them is spraying. Marking the territory by spraying is very common for cats. It’s so common that even female cats spray.
Cats mark their territory by holding their tails up high, and when they take the right position, you’ll notice their tail shaking.
While they do that, cats actually leave their urine containing their pheromones on the target, which means that now it’s their territory.
Cats usually spray on furniture, or similar things around their environment that they consider theirs. This behavior is even more emphasized if they live in a multi-cat household.
So, if your cat comes to you and sprays you, it may be happening for several reasons:
• You came home smelling of outdoor cats
• Your cat is anxious
• Stray cats are close to your environment
Issue No 6 – Fear Of Other Cats
Every cat has a different personality; some cats are more dominant while others tend to avoid every possible conflict with them.
If you have a multi-cat household where there are dominant and non-dominant cats, you may have a lot of problems. With that being said, this can also cause your cat to pee on you or anywhere around your home.
The main reason for that is that these dominant cats are overprotective and won’t let the less dominant cat poop or pee in the litter box.
While the non-dominant cat tries to escape possible conflict by not using the litter box, it accidentally pees somewhere else as it cannot hold it anymore.
Issue No 7 – Separation Anxiety

Another reason why your cat peed on you may be because it suffers from separation anxiety. If you’re busy most of the time, and your cat is alone, it may start peeing and pooping around your home or even peeing on you.
By doing that, they’re trying to alert you that they need your attention as well as affection. Moreover, by peeing on you, they also leave their pheromones which means that they are marking you as their property.
If your cat suffers from separation anxiety, you may consult with your veterinarian and try to spend more time with your fluffy friend or provide it with different interactive toys that will keep it both physically and mentally active.
Issue No 8 – A Cat Is Frightened
Some cats may be extremely terrified at certain moments, such as going to the vet, or being scared by sudden loud sounds, and such moments may lead your cat to pee on you.
You simply cannot help it, as it wasn’t on purpose. In the future, you can try calming your cat by showing it affection or petting it and rewarding it, in order to prevent similar situations.
Issue No 9 – A Cat Is Stressed And Anxious
If your cat peed on you, it may be because it’s stressed and anxious. This usually happens after cats experience traumatic events that have certain consequences.
For example, if your cat was traumatized in your home, it will have a hard time relaxing as it will always be alerted to possible danger that may pop out all of a sudden.
The most common causes of trauma in cats are new pets, new environment, unknown people, loud and strange sounds, and similar things, which may all stress the cat to the point where they jump in your lap to seek protection, and pee out of fear.
In this case, you should figure out what caused the stress in your cat and try to reduce the possible triggers so that your cat can calm down and enjoy a stress-free environment.
How Can I Prevent My Cat From Peeing On Me?

Throughout the article, I already mentioned some ways that can help you stop inappropriate urination in your cat. But now, let’s check them out clearly.
If your cat pees on you often, that can be a big problem. It usually happens due to unwanted cat behavior or due to the cat’s dissatisfaction.
However, this issue may also be the consequence of serious health issues that require proper examination and treatment. Now, let’s see how you can prevent your cat from peeing on you!
Solving Litter Box Issues
If your pet cat pees on you due to litter box issues, you can do some of the following things depending on the problem with the litter box.
• Find the right type of litter box for your cat – this is very important as cats like to be comfortable while using the litter tray. Therefore, if their litter box is too small or too big, it’s likely that they won’t use it but will rather pee somewhere else instead.
So, if you have a kitten, its litter box will have to be smaller, but it will also need to be replaced when the kitten grows up; if you have a larger cat breed, then a large box is needed.
Nowadays, there are many different types of litter boxes, such as covered or uncovered; however, you should try some different types to see what your cat likes the best.
• Use the litter that your cat likes – another reason for inappropriate urination may be the type of litter. If this is your case, you should try and test several types of litter until you find the one that suits your cat the best.
My recommendation is to start with clumping litter because it’s softer for cats’ paws, and choose an unscented one as they don’t like strong scents.
• Clean your cat’s litter box often – do you clean the cat’s mess regularly? If not, that may be the reason why you have cat pee on you.
Cats like their things to be clean, so if you want them to use their litter box properly, make sure you clean it regularly, or purchase an automatic litter box such as CatGenie.
Solving Health Issues

There are many different health issues that may lead cats to inappropriate urination, such as urinary tract infections, bladder infections, cystitis, lesions, cognitive dysfunction, and similar issues that are mentioned previously in the article.
If you assume that this problem is caused by a medical issue, then it’s important to take your cat to the vet for an examination.
The vet will have to perform a series of tests on your feline friend to determine the exact issue, and only after that can they provide the cat with the appropriate treatment.
Solving Spraying Problems
Cats usually mark their territory by spraying, and of course, that happens outside the litter box and may even happen on you.
If you want to prevent your cat from spraying you or things around your home, then the best solution is the spaying or neutering procedure. If you spay/neuter your cat at a young age, it probably won’t exhibit spraying behavior anymore.
Moreover, if your cat sprayed you due to being anxious, then you can try working on reducing the cat’s anxiety, as well as providing your cat with a calm and stress-free environment and engaging it in playtime.
Solving Fear Of Other Cats

In order to solve this problem, there are several things you can try to do
• Provide each cat with its own personal corner – that way, they will have their own litter box, including water, food bowl, and other necessities. This is essential, especially if you have got a new cat (pay attention to how to introduce the cats properly).
• Put several litter boxes in different locations in your home – if you have a multi-cat home, it cannot function with only one litter box. Cats are very strict about this, and they probably won’t use a litter box that contains other cats’ pheromones and feces. So, it would be best to provide each cat with its own litter box.
• Provide your cats with easy access to the litter boxes – if your cat cannot have easy access to the litter box, it won’t use it at all, and that may lead it to pee on you.
So, a litter box should be placed in a calm and safe corner far away from loud noises that may scare the cat. Moreover, don’t put the litter box too close to the water and food bowl, as cats won’t want their mess beside their food.
Easy access to the litter box is especially important if you have a senior cat who has health issues such as arthritis and similar, especially if you want the cat to use the litter tray properly.
Solving Cat’s Stress, Fear, And Anxiety
As I mentioned previously in the article, if you wonder why do cats pee on their owners, it may also happen due to stress, fear, or anxiety.
If you want to fix that problem, you should try to reduce possible stressors in your environment to make your cat feel safe and protected.
So, find what stresses the cat and try to reduce it, or try to calm your cat by showing it affection, providing it with cat treats, or providing it with playtime.
In case your cat suffers from separation anxiety, it’s crucial to provide it with interesting cat toys, cat trees, and running wheels that will keep your cat occupied most of the time.
Such things can keep your kitty both mentally and physically active, but still, your interaction with your furry friend is still obligatory, so don’t forget about that too, and ensure you hang out with your kitty whenever you can.
If these things don’t help, you can try using pheromone diffusers that will keep the environment stress-free, or you can consult with your veterinarian, who can provide you with certain medications that help cats to deal with anxiety.
Final Thoughts

Most cat owners have problems with their cat’s inappropriate urination. The worst is when your kitty decides to pee on you. So, if you wonder why did my cat pee on me – this article provides you with possible reasons as well as solutions.
Some reasons are related to health or mental issues, and some are related to the cat’s behavior and feelings. However, whatever the cause may be, the key to the solution of cat peeing on you is to find the exact cause of this behavior and treat it appropriately.
Besides possible reasons for this behavior, this article provides you with possible solutions that can help you solve the problem on your own.
In case the issue continues to repeat, you can try consulting with your vet, who can guide you further until the problem is solved.
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