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Why Does My Cat Sit Outside My Bedroom Door? Adorable Or Not?

Why Does My Cat Sit Outside My Bedroom Door? Adorable Or Not?

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Even though cats are independent animals, sometimes you will find them following you around everywhere… to the bedroom, the kitchen, and even when you go to the bathroom.

It can be pretty adorable having your furry friend following you everywhere, but have you ever wondered why does my cat sit outside my bedroom door? Why does it wait for me? Why does it sleep right outside my door?

If you have ever asked these questions, then you’re in the right place to learn all about this specific cat behavior. Read on to find out the possible reasons for this, what your cat might be trying to tell you, and what you can do to prevent this behavior. Let’s start!

Why Does My Cat Sit Outside My Bedroom Door?

If you have noticed this, or similar behavior, you have probably wondered why does my cat sit outside my bedroom door.

There are several reasons for it, but usually your cat will sit outside your bedroom door because they want to be close to you or they want your attention.

Your bedroom is the place where your scent is the strongest, therefore your cats will sense your presence there. Moreover, your cat may be sitting in front of your bedroom because she’s waiting for you or trying to tell you something.

Also, another reason for sitting in this spot may be that it gives them a good vantage spot to see (or hear) everything that might be going on in the house.

Either way, seeing your cat sitting there may be very endearing, especially if she came for cuddling, affection, or to be close to you out of love.

However, the reason may not always be cute, as there are several other issues that may be behind this particular behavior.

Why Is My Cat Sitting Outside My Bedroom And Meowing?

Usually, the reason for a cat sitting in front of your bedroom and meowing is that she wants your attention. Maybe she is looking for someone to play with, or perhaps she is trying to tell you something such as that she is in pain. Of course, it may be that she is just bored!

This behavior is usually characterized by loud meowing. It may sound weird or different to the cat’s usual meow. Therefore, you should know your cat’s body language in order to work out the exact cause for the behavior so that you can react!

Read on to find out how to recognize various reasons for a cat sitting and meowing by the bedroom door.

They Want To Mate!

One of the main reasons for an indoor cat sitting outside the bedroom and meowing a lot is because they’re looking for a partner to mate with. This usually happens if you own a cat who’s not spayed or neutered.

Sometimes that meowing will seem more like yowling and this behavior can sometimes be really annoying, especially if a cat won’t stop meowing. This behavior can be equally annoying in both male cats and female cats.

Therefore, if you want to reduce this behavior, and you don’t have plans to breed your cat, the best thing to do is to spay or neuter your feline. Spaying or neutering your cat may also benefit your cat’s overall health, and reduce the risks of suffering from various health issues in the future.

Spaying or neutering isn’t complicated at all; you just have to learn how to take proper care of your cat after the procedure, how long to keep the cat confined after spay, and any complications that your vet may advise you about.

They’re Trying To Tell You Something!

Your cat will usually meow in front of your bedroom door when they are trying to tell you something. It’s very easy to recognize when they need something. Suddenly, they become lovely sweet cats rubbing against everything and meowing with a sweet voice.

Usually, they want to tell you that they’re hungry, or thirsty, that they need their litter box cleaned, or they simply just want to hang out with you as they’ve missed you.

They’re In Pain!

Noisy meowing in front of the bedroom could be another way for your cat to tell you that she’s in pain.

Every cat owner knows that cats are actually masters of hiding pain. However, when they cannot take it any longer, they may come to you for your help as you are a person they can trust.

Therefore, if you suspect that pain might be the reason for this behavior, make sure that you monitor your cat’s behavior, check for any wounds or injuries, and take your feline to the vet for a check-up if you have any concerns.

It doesn’t have to be something serious, however, if you cannot find out what’s wrong with your cat friend, then visit the veterinarian.

They’re Bored!

It’s not a surprise to hear your cat meowing because she’s bored. If you don’t give her enough attention, or if she doesn’t have anything interesting to do, she may start following you and meowing.

If you go to the bedroom and close the door, your cat may come and start meowing, wondering what you are doing in there. They’re very curious animals and often want to be included in everything you’re doing.

Therefore, don’t be surprised if your cat finds its way to your room. However, if you want her to leave you alone, then make sure you provide your feline friend with her own space where she can enjoy her own interesting things.

Make sure that the spot contains interesting cat toys that will keep her busy, and also provide your cat with scratching posts and cat trees where she can climb and enjoy the view from the height. This is one of the things that cats enjoy most.

How To Prevent Your Cat From Meowing At The Bedroom Door?

If you want your cat to stop meowing at your bedroom door, one of the options is to let her in because maybe that’s exactly what she needs! Perhaps your cat missed you and simply loves to be with you. Maybe she’s just bored and wants playtime or to cuddle with you.

If that doesn’t help, check her food and water bowl, as well as her litter box. If she’s missing something, maybe she was calling you to fix the problem.

If the cat keeps meowing, then make sure that you check her carefully for any injuries or wounds, or take her to the vet in order to determine what is the exact cause for her behavior.

Feed A Cat Before Bed Time!

In order to keep your feline friend happy and satisfied, ensure that you create a regular routine. First of all, you should feed your cat before bed time.

Your cat will probably go to sleep after dinner and won’t bother you with loud meowing in the middle of the night.

Clean The Litter Box Before Bed Time!

After you prepare food and water for your cat before bed time, make sure that you also clean its litter box. Cats like the litter box to be clean, and many cats will complain to their owner if it’s not clean.

So, if you want to have sweet uninterrupted dreams, clean out the litter box!

Spend Some Time With Your Cat!

The key to having a happy and satisfied cat is to spend some time with her. Decide when is the best time for you and your feline to hang out. Play with her, pet her, cuddle with her, let her know that you’re there and that you love her.

Make sure that you repeat this every day. If you don’t, the chances of hearing your cat cry are very high. If you don’t hang out with your cat very often, she will miss this important interaction.

Provide her with different and interesting toys, scratching posts, and cat trees that can occupy her attention while you’re gone. Just remember while these things are great but they cannot replace her play time with you!

Reward Her With Her Favorite Treats!

Another great idea is to reward your kitty friend with her favorite treats every time she does something good, or when she behaves well. Make sure that you ignore the negative behavior and reward the positive behavior! Don’t give her treats if she is meowing loudly and you want her to stop; otherwise she will associate her loud meowing with getting a treat and will keep doing it!

SEE ALSO: Can Cats Sense Bad Energy? A Remarkable Fact About Your Pets

My Cat Is Sitting Outside My Bedroom Staring At Me

If you ever noticed your cat sitting outside your bedroom staring at you, it may not be adorable at all; in fact it may get a bit creepy.

However, this behavior may also have certain meanings. If your cat is sitting outside the bedroom staring at you, usually they want your attention, they want you to know that they love you, or it may be because something is bothering them.

They Want Your Love And Affection!

Although independent animals, cats adore being in your company, and being loved. They may miss you after a whole day of being gone, and now they’re staring at you trying to get your attention.

Therefore, if you notice your feline friend doing this, set aside some time for her and show her lots of love and affection, most importantly, show her that you care about her.

They Care About You!

Again, it may seem creepy when a cat stares at you without blinking, but believe it or not, that may be their way of showing you that they care about you. It might be an unusual way to tell that to someone, but this is cats we’re talking about!

If you notice her doing it, you can give her a treat or pet her as your way of saying “I love you too”!

They’re Experiencing Health Problems!

However, if this behavior continues and if your cat doesn’ stop staring at you for a long time or if she doesn’t move from the doorway, that’s when you have to take things a little more seriously.

First, check your cat because she may be in pain but she’s just not ready to inform you about it with loud meowing. If you suspect that she’s in pain, you can take her to the vet to check just in case.

However, that may not be the only reason. Cats have a great sense of smell, therefore, this behavior may mean that they detect something such as bad energy or a bad event that’s about to happen. So, be careful, but don’t let it upset you – sometimes cats just act oddly!

SEE ALSO: My Cat Wont Leave Me Alone – 10 Causes And 10 Solutions

How To Prevent A Cat From Sitting Outside Your Bedroom Door?

There are times when you’re in a hurry and your cat is sitting outside the bedroom door, and she won’t move. If she is constantly under your feet, you might get frustrated with always watching out for her or tripping over her.

Moreover, maybe your cat doesn’t want you to go and this is how she’s protesting. If you want to get ready for something in peace without being annoyed, check out the following things that you can do to move your cat away from hanging around by the front door.

Provide Them With Their Own Space!

It’s very important to provide your feline friend with her own space, especially for situations like these. In that space, you can put a cat bed, food and water bowl, litter box, cat toys, scratching posts and cat trees, all the necessary things for a cat.

Most importantly, by providing your cat with her own spot, you can easily isolate her there when you’re getting ready or even when you’re having guests or similar.

Try Moving Them!

This is another thing you can try to do, however, it may take a bit longer until a cat realizes what you want.

Every time when your cat sits in front of the bedroom door, you gently move her, or take her to her own place.

When she gets to her own place, reward her. Moreover, close the bedroom door so that she cannot know what’s happening in there, and don’t pay much attention to her at that time.

Eventually, she’ll lose interest, and probably won’t be sitting there anymore, especially if she is rewarded every time she goes to her own space.

Use Sprays That Cats Don’t Like!

To keep your feline friend away from your room, try using sprays with scents that your cat doesn’t like (for example citrus scents). After a few sprays, she won’t be able to sense your personal scent anymore, and instead she’ll smell this scent that she doesn’t like.

Eventually, she’ll leave because it doesn’t smell good to her and that place doesn‘t have such a strong connection with you anymore.

A friendly reminder is to avoid spraying your cat with water, as that technique isn’t effective at all. Many cat lovers even consider it to be cruel. By spraying your cat with water, you can only worsen the cat’s behavior and damage the bond that you two are building.

Why Is My Cat Sleeping Outside The Bedroom Door?

Although cats are independent, after they make a special connection with their owner, they can become very affectionate pets. Therefore, if they are not with you in your bed, they may sleep outside the bedroom door, even if they have somewhere better to sleep elsewhere.

However, there are four possible reasons for this particular behavior, so read on to find out more!

Keeping Up With Routine!

The reason why your feline friend is sleeping outside the bedroom door may be because of the morning routine.

Cats are usually familiar with their owner’s routine, therefore by sleeping in front of the door or by meowing, they intend to remind the owner of that routine.

They’re Guarding You!

Well, who said that only dogs can be guard pets? By sleeping in front of your bedroom door, your cat guards you from harm.

At least, she may think that she’s guarding you, and protecting you from any danger while you’re asleep. You have to admit, it’s really very sweet.

They’re Having A Separation Anxiety!

Sleeping in front of your bedroom door may be due to separation anxiety. Maybe your feline is so attached to you that she cannot stand being separated from you.

If you notice her following you everywhere around the house such as the living room, bathroom, kitchen, and similar, and then she sleeps outside the bedroom door, it’s probably separation anxiety.

She chooses to sleep there, because she knows that it’s the place where she left you, and the place where your scent is the strongest.

In order to help your kitty to overcome this separation anxiety, you may either let her sleep with you in the bed, or provide her a cat bed in your room, so she can be close to you.

If you still don’t want to let her in the bedroom, then you can use a blanket, a pillow, or something similar that contains your scent and put it in the cat’s room, so that she feels safe by sensing your presence nearby.

They’re Scared!

Sleeping in front of the bedroom doors may be a sign that your cat friend is afraid of something. Maybe she experienced some trauma in the past and now she has anxiety.

She’s probably sleeping in front of your doors because she’s afraid of being abandoned. In order to fix that, you should spend more time with your feline so that she can trust you. Make her feel loved and let her know that you care about her.

Again, to help her feel better, you can start letting her in your bed or provide a cat bed in your bedroom, or you can give her some of your stuff in her own room.

What Health Issues May Lead To These Cat Behaviors?

Sometimes health issues may cause changes in a cat’s behavior. If you suspect that your cat is in pain, take her to the vet immediately in order to find the underlying cause and treat it properly.

So, these following health problems may lead to your cat constantly following you around, staring at you, meowing, and sleeping in front of your bedroom door. Let’s start!

Kidney Problems

Kidney problems are a common health issue for cats, however, sometimes it can be hard to diagnose. If you suspect your cat has kidney disease or similar, take her to the veterinarian for a check-up. He’ll know what to do and what treatment your cat should get.

Urinary Tract Infection And Other Issues

Loud meowing is characteristic for a cat suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI). If you think that your cat is in pain due to urinary issues, make sure that you monitor your cat’s behavior.

Some accompanying UTI symptoms include excessive water drinking, loss of appetite, inappropriate urination, lethargy, and similar.

If you notice some of these symptoms, you should take your cat to the vet immediately. The vet usually prescribes antibiotics to treat the infection, so just follow his instructions and everything will be alright.

Eye Problems

As your feline is getting older, she may have deteriorating vision. It may lead to confusion, and if she has been frightened by getting disorientated or lost, she may stay in front of your bedroom, as she considers it a safe spot where she senses your presence. She may even come there for your help.

Hearing Issues

Hearing issues also occur as your cat gets older. If she cannot hear very well, she may be more easily confused and chooses to stay in the safest place in the house – outside your bedroom where you are close by and she feels safe.

Do Cats Love Sleeping In Their Owner’s Bedrooms?

Usually, most cats adore sleeping in their owner’s bedrooms, especially in their bed. Cats are always seeking out warm places, and one of the best places to be cozy is snuggling with their owner.

Moreover, cats carefully choose who to sleep with, therefore, if you’re not their owner, or if you are but you haven’t bonded completely yet, your cat may prefer other places for sleep.

Should I Let My Cat In The Bedroom?

You can let your cat in the bedroom, however, sometimes it’s better to have a space of your own, and find another one that you’ll share with your feline friend.

If you are still bonding with your cat, then it’s better to keep her away from your room until she starts trusting you completely. The problem is that she may not feel comfortable there.

Also, she may become territorial in your own personal space. So, it’s best to let your cat into the bedroom only once you two have bonded. Until then, keep each other’s company and work on bonding in other rooms.

Pros And Cons Of Letting Your Cat Sleep In The Bed With You

If you cannot decide whether you should let your cat sleep with you or not, here are some advantages and disadvantages of sleeping with a cat, based on my experience, so you can decide for yourself!


Helps you to bond with your cat – if a cat chooses to sleep with you it means that she trusts you, therefore, sleeping with your cat is very helpful if you’re still working on bonding.

You may sleep better with your cat – some cat parents sleep better with their cats. Of course, this is only true if your cat doesn’t wake and bother you in the middle of the night.

Comforting cuddle time – some cat parents (and cats) may enjoy sleeping and cuddling with their furry friends.


Sniffing and bothering you – sniffing isn’t that annoying. However, the main problem is that by sniffing a lot, your cat can wake you up.

Filthy blankets – a cat sleeping on your blanket may leave a lot of hair on it, as well as any litter that was stuck in between her paws, and similar. Sometimes, it’s very hard to clean the hairs off the blanket.

Walking on you – while looking for the best spot, your feline may walk over you, and again, that may wake you up.

Accidentally hitting your cat – if you’re not calm in your sleep and if you move around a lot, you can easily hit your cat by accident. That can be the main reason why your cat is not sleeping with you anymore.

All In All

So, if you have wondered why does my cat sit outside my bedroom door, well as we have discovered, there may be many different reasons.

Usually cats follow their owners everywhere around and this means they may end up sitting in front of your bedroom door, after you go in and close the door. That means that your cat friend cares about you, or she wants to guard you, trying to protect you from possible danger.

However, if this is accompanied with loud meowing, your cat may be bored, she may need something, be looking for a partner to mate, or she may be in pain. Therefore, you need to monitor your cat’s behavior in order to figure out what it wants.

Also, sometimes cats like to sleep in front of your room because that is the most comfortable and safest spot in the house for them. Your bedroom is the place where your scent is the strongest, and by sensing your smell, your cat feels safe there.

So now you have the answers to your questions. All in all, just make sure that you dedicate some time to your feline and that you enjoy each other’s company.